Tag Archives: joss whedon

Can Thor Broker Hunger Games Peace Between Team Peeta and Team Gale?

Chris Hemsworth , the Norse god Thor himself, revealed recently that he helped brother Liam rehearse for his Hunger Games auditions by reading the part of Katniss aloud . Liam eventually landed the part of Gale , one of two young men in love with Katniss (Jennifer Lawrence) in Lionsgate’s 2012 adaptation of Suzanne Collins’s YA novels, but lest you assume that means the elder Hemsworth is unequivocally on Team Gale, think again. Talking with Movieline he explains his ties to Liam’s future on-screen rival, Josh Hutcherson, and how they’ve landed him firmly in the middle of the Peeta-Gale conflict.

See the article here:
Can Thor Broker Hunger Games Peace Between Team Peeta and Team Gale?

Dear Firefly Fans: Haven’t You a Better Cause to Donate Your Money To?

Dear Firefly fans: I read this morning that you plan to pool your money in a massive campaign to collectively buy the rights to your short-lived favorite TV series. The drive follows comments by its star, Nathan Fillion, who recently told EW , “If I got $300 million from the California Lottery, the first thing I would do is buy the rights to Firefly , make it on my own, and distribute it on the Internet.” On the one hand, the cost of the actual rights would cost a mere fraction of that amount. On the other hand — and I hate to break this to you — there are far worthier uses of your money than reviving a canceled TV show .

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Dear Firefly Fans: Haven’t You a Better Cause to Donate Your Money To?

Joss Whedon’s Wonder Woman Would Have Worn Pants Too

Were you a little put out by the DC Comics unveiling of the newly redesigned Wonder Woman , who now wears pants and a Hot Topic jacket while boasting breasts the size of her head? If so, I’m curious to hear what you’d make of the following designs, which were commissioned for Joss Whedon’s aborted take on the project.

See original here:
Joss Whedon’s Wonder Woman Would Have Worn Pants Too

Gleebasing: Just What the Doctor Ordered

Ever since Schue & the Gang returned to Fox last month, Glee ‘s formula has been a little off. Storylines worthy of an afterschool special have come and gone, rarely continuing from one episode to the next; while Mercedes went on a diet , Kurt tried to butch up for his father and everyone got empowered through Madonna , the writers have dropped the first-string romantic arcs (Schue and Emma, Finn and Rachel) for dead-end flirtations (Burt Hummel and Carole Hudson, anyone?) Good news, though: guest director Joss Whedon ushered the show back into its heartstring-tugging, foot-tapping wheelhouse with last night’s episode, “Dream On.” It had big reveals, bigger emotions, and no one was dressed up like a hamburger . So grab your notebooks and get the notes on last night’s episode — and remember, there will be a pop quiz.

Read this article:
Gleebasing: Just What the Doctor Ordered

Will Whedon Tackle Captain America, Too?

Some people raised their eyebrows when Marvel hired Joss Whedon to write and direct its superhero mashup The Avengers , but Marvel head Kevin Feige obviously has a lot of confidence in the Buffy creator. According to Pajiba , Whedon’s even been drafted to do a rewrite of the fast-approaching Captain America , to be directed by Joe Johnston. Fox executives must be so mad that they can’t cancel this right now! [ Pajiba ]

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Will Whedon Tackle Captain America, Too?