Tag Archives: judge-admitted

Facing The Music: Katt Williams Looks Throwed Off As A Judge Chastises Him “Slow Down” [Video]

Katt Williams Appears Before A Judge For His Bond Hearing In Teenage Fight TMZ is reporting that a Georgia judge did NOT want to allow Katt Williams out on bond after he was arrested for the fade he caught with teenager Luke Wash… Katt Williams had his day in court and the judge wanted to make one thing clear — she’s had enough! Williams posted bond Thursday, but the judge admitted … “This was not a popular decision to have you released on bond.” The comedian was arrested for disorderly conduct in that fight with 17-year-old Luke Wash … who was booked for the same charge. Check out Katt’s interaction with the judge, who offered this tip … “We all need to slow down a little.” LOL! Why was Katt lookin’ like that??? Image via TMZ

See original here:
Facing The Music: Katt Williams Looks Throwed Off As A Judge Chastises Him “Slow Down” [Video]

Shane Sparks — Not Sleeping Well

Filed under: Celebrity Justice Shane Sparks’ lawyer had a muzzle on him outside of a hearing in his child molestation case today — but not before the “America’s Best Dance Crew” judge admitted he didn’t get much sleep last night.Outside the Van Nuys courtroom, Sparks’ lawyer … Permalink

Go here to see the original:
Shane Sparks — Not Sleeping Well