Ryan Kwanten has gone all Brendon Villegas on us. Possibly. A photo of the True Blood star exposing his penis has emerged online. Is it real? Hard to say, considering Kwanten’s unit is pretty much the only body part of his that has not been exposed on the HBO hit. An even more important question, women: Does exposed male genitalia even turn you on? Or would you be more attracted to a photo of a guy cooking you dinner? Peep the censored Kwanten image below and then respond… Are you aroused by an exposed penis pic?
Brandon Marshall is an immensely talented wide receiver whose personal life and off-the-field antics have often drawn more attention that his touchdown grabs or third down conversions. But now we know why: the All-Pro sat for 30 minutes with reporters after practice yesterday and said he was diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder earlier this year. “For so long, I’ve been just trying to get help. I’ve been seeking help,” Marshall said. “I’ve been talking with doctors since I’ve been in the NFL. No one has ever helped me. So I was praying there was a treatment out there for what I suffered from and there was.” Said Mary Zanarini – the professor of psychology at Harvard Medical School who treated Marshall this summer – to The South Florida Sun- Sentinel : “BPD is a well understood psychological disorder. It’s not a form of misbehavior.” Marshall said he plans to lobby Congress for funds to assist research into the disease, adding: “There comes a time in a guy like myself’s life, with everything that I’ve been through, that you become bulletproof to the critics and to what the world thinks of you. Right now, today, I am vulnerable. I am making myself vulnerable. And I want it to be clear that this is the opposite of damage control. The only reason why I’m standing here today is to use my story to help others who may suffer from what I suffer from.” Most importantly, how should this admission affect Marshall’s status in your fantasy football draft? It’s not nearly as troublesome as the fact that Chad Henne is his quarterback. He probably shouldn’t be higher than your second wide receiver, at best. [Photo: WENN.com]
People can soon stop asking ” Where is Casey Anthony ?” The acquitted murder suspect went into hiding after her July 17 release, with people speculation that she was everywhere from California to the Bahamas. Thanks to a judge’s order, however, Anthony soon will return to her native Orlando, Fla., within the next three days to report to a local probation office. Orange County Judge Stan Strickland signed court documents requiring Anthony to serve a year of supervised probation on her check fraud charges. “She should report to probation, probably within 72 hours,” Strickland said . Last year, Srickland sentenced Anthony – then awaiting trial for murder – on charges that she stole a friend’s checkbook and forged several checks. Last week, he said he intended for Anthony to go to supervised probation upon her release. Department of Corrections officials misinterpreted that order. Believing that Casey Anthony had served her probation while in jail, her lawyers did not have her report to probation. That’s what she must do this week. It is unclear where Anthony will stay when she returns to Orlando, but you can bet there will be police officers protecting her at every turn. Anthony, who has received myriad threats since she got out of jail, where she spent nearly 1,000 days since 2008, has said through her legal team that she will be undergoing major mental health treatment .