Tag Archives: judge-the-last

Bachelorette Studfinder: Ranking the 5 Remaining Studs

Producers finally let Ali Fedotowsky judge the last six Bachelorette hunks the way the rest of us choose life partners and interns: with naked wrestling matches. And we’re all the wiser for it! While last night’s episode kicked off with the hari kari elimination of Justin, who was revealed to have two girlfriends at home and a plan to “use the show to get famous” (don’t laugh, Bob Guiney is still raking in TLC /Game Show Network dollars — oh, all right, laugh), we still have five other lads to declare fit or unfit for Ali’s un-sensual loving. Pair your rankings with ours.

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Bachelorette Studfinder: Ranking the 5 Remaining Studs