With the summer of 2010 littered with critical and financial disappointments, Knight and Day doesn’t feel like a complete disaster — at least it’s not Jonah Hex , y’know? But that hasn’t stopped Tony Sella from falling on his sword. “Blame me, don’t blame Tom Cruise,” the Twentieth Century Fox co-president of marketing told the Los Angeles Times . “We did lots of focus groups for this film, and no one ever said there was a star problem. Never. Tom Cruise was not the issue. I take full responsibility.” Naturally this has been met with the kind of disbelief that is reserved for all things Cruise — spin to avert your gaze away from the fact that perhaps the A-List icon isn’t that big of a star anymore. But does Sella have a point? Perhaps he is to blame for Knight and Day . After the jump, Movieline investigates.
Read the original:
Blame Game: Why Did Knight and Day Disappoint at the Box Office?