Tag Archives: katrina-brown

Sophie Monk: Engaged to Jimmy Esebag!

Sophie Monk is engaged to businessman Jimmy Esebag. The Aussie model and actress confirmed it Tuesday, saying “He’s a keeper,” on the Australia radio station 2Day FM after revealing that “I got engaged!” “It feels right,” she added . “You know when you know.” Her new fianc

Justin Bieber: Extreme Makeover Scream Edition!

This Sunday’s edition of Extreme Makeover: Home Edition will feature a special two-hour focus on a Texas family named Browns. Along with a 16-year old singer named Justin Bieber . The singer makes an appearance because one of the causes closest to his heart is the prevention of individuals texting while driving – and, tragically, the Browns’ oldest daughter, Alex, died in just such an incident. In the following clip, Justin tells the family that one dollar from every concert ticket sold that night was donated to charity. He then invites 12-year-old Katrina Brown and her friends to a sound check party. Justin Bieber on Extreme Makeover Home Edition

Justin Bieber: Extreme Makeover Scream Edition!