Tag Archives: keep-the-love

Lea Michele’s Scary Bikini Pics of the Day

LEA MICHELE ONLY LOOKS GOOD IN A BIKINI WHEN PIXELATED LIKE SCRAMBLED PORN In Glee news….The dude who they have starring as the main character who is supposed to be some chick, who isn’t hot, so the freaks who watch the shit can relate to her…is dating the other dude on the show…who I assume is Gay, Black and in a Wheel Chair…because that’s just the kind of casting they do….because dude probably fucked her one boring day on set…and now is trapped…and figures it is good for the show for him to keep the love affair going…even though he’s famous and could be fucking anyone he wants…. Well…they are on vacation together, she is in her bikini and she looks like some planet of the apes shit…and you probably really like that in your trannies….because like the guy on my facebook obsessed with trannies…tranny lovers are pretty accepting of anything with dick and tits…there’s a whole lot of grey area… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

Originally posted here:
Lea Michele’s Scary Bikini Pics of the Day