Tag Archives: killing-the-eco

Hailee Steinfeld Bra of the Day

We have watched Hailee Steinfeld go from teen in True Grit that I am sure some of you perverts liked way too much….to chubby actress….who despite having personal trainer parents seemed to have spent her acting money on treats she wasn’t allowed to eat growing up because she has personal trainer parents…but who eventually realized fat is gross, and no one wants to watch a fat chick sexualize herself, except maybe you, who likes any girl to sexualize herself in a take what you can…low ambition…loser… So here she is, years later…performing in a bra….like some kind of harlot…who wants everyone to see her in a bra…which is likely what she is…because no girl is getting on stage a posting pics in a bra unless they want to be jerked off to…even if this era is more into gangbangs and throat fucking and bras aint a thing… But the key point in all this is that despite what the generation is trying to tell us…she is not fat and that should be celebrated by staring at this. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

Hailee Steinfeld Bra of the Day

Christina Aguilera Nipples of the Day

This is pretty fucking huge….and not because Christina Aguilera is fucking huge…or because her tits are fucking huge thanks to her being fucking huge…and thanks to her breast implants she got before being fucking huge back when she was this tiny little dancing thing…back when I liked her better than Britney because I thought she was hotter, more petite, and amazing…in her push up bra days…. Some X-Tina let’s get Dirty Titty… I am actually surprised that in her old age, she’s not far more slutty than she is, she seems to accept the fact that she’s a fat chick, like she did what she needed to do and made the stupid money and can now just be fat and comfortable and still rich and coddled… It’s an ego thing… I mean..she was pretty hardcore in panties and chaps back in the day….when that wasn’t the norm… So seeing that tit, exciting…but the fact I haven’t seen it everyday before…or her pussy is depressing to me.. So this tit better be a taste of what’s to come…and not the reminder of all the nudity she hasn’t produced as a shameless attention rich person…you know… I KNOW…

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Christina Aguilera Nipples of the Day

Gwyneth Paltrow’s Bikini Vacation Cameltoe Continues of the Day

Gwyneth Paltrow is off showing off her old lady body in a bikini – including some cameltoe in a bikini – even though there is supposed to legally be a cut off age for when people are allowed to wear bikinis. I will never understand why 46 year olds think they are hot, or have the right to be nudists or in bikinis, because they are comfortable with their sloppy old bodies, but it happens all the time, especially with the old lady who does fitness and eats well to stay skinny enough, despite having an old fucking body. I have always found Gwyneth Paltrow disgusting….even at her Brad Pitt Prime…and continue to… I don’t care about her bullshit lifestyle brand people hype up like it matters because she’s a fucking rich kid who got hooked up. I don’t care about seeing her arrogance in a bikini. I don’t understand why her husband is so horny for her in all the pics… I guess he’s got his own bag of sexual dysfunctions that lead him to Gwyneth’s pussy hole…he’s probably a Coldplay fan or some shit…and this is a way into molest Chris Martin….. TO SEE THE REST OF THE BIKINI PICS CLICK HERE

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Gwyneth Paltrow’s Bikini Vacation Cameltoe Continues of the Day

Katy Perry Still Exists in a Bikini of the Day

If you’re still looking for who Killed XXXTENTATCION…it was Katy Perry…because he put on her new album, and someone with some sense couldn’t take it and now he’s dead… If you’re wondering why all those mexican kids are being taken from their parents, it was Katy Perry…they asked for the Katy Perry Album for Cinco de Mayo…and the parents were wise enough to say “get the fuck out”… If you’re wondering why all the plastic in the ocean is killing the eco system…and the ocean life…it’s Katy Perry from all the CDs she bought of herself to trick the billboard charts to think she matters….then throwing it in the trash to get rid of the evidence. She’s garbage…I believe all things wrong with the world stem from this monster…this pig..this fucking scam… I don’t think her big tits are worth looking at or celebrating because she’s that disgusting of a person… Her entire career, even when she was starting up was a rip off scam, with zero originality or talent. Her dancing was bulky at best… There are more pics of her in a bikini. I refuse to post them. Find them somewhere else – you sick fucks

Katy Perry Still Exists in a Bikini of the Day

Katy Perry Still Exists in a Bikini of the Day

If you’re still looking for who Killed XXXTENTATCION…it was Katy Perry…because he put on her new album, and someone with some sense couldn’t take it and now he’s dead… If you’re wondering why all those mexican kids are being taken from their parents, it was Katy Perry…they asked for the Katy Perry Album for Cinco de Mayo…and the parents were wise enough to say “get the fuck out”… If you’re wondering why all the plastic in the ocean is killing the eco system…and the ocean life…it’s Katy Perry from all the CDs she bought of herself to trick the billboard charts to think she matters….then throwing it in the trash to get rid of the evidence. She’s garbage…I believe all things wrong with the world stem from this monster…this pig..this fucking scam… I don’t think her big tits are worth looking at or celebrating because she’s that disgusting of a person… Her entire career, even when she was starting up was a rip off scam, with zero originality or talent. Her dancing was bulky at best… There are more pics of her in a bikini. I refuse to post them. Find them somewhere else – you sick fucks

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Katy Perry Still Exists in a Bikini of the Day