Tag Archives: know-or-really

Christina Milian’s Gone Nipple Crazy on Snapchat of the Day

I guess someone told Christina Milian that snapchat is the new vehicle to whore herself on, and that people will follow, because they are depressive, boring and feel the need to see what idiots they don’t know or really care about are up to in real time, hoping they end up getting naked or slipping up as they sometimes do, with the whole real time shit, making for these has-beens, who are rich as fuck divorced moms, excited to be the thirsty, slutty, attention seekers they are in their core of their person…which is the reason why they have a career in entertaiment.. So if you’re into old, washed up, rich, uninteresting, not even hot moms getting naked trying to reclaim the fame they had or almost had before making babies…here’s some Christina Milian…uslessness…with nipple…on New Years Eve… The post Christina Milian’s Gone Nipple Crazy on Snapchat of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Christina Milian’s Gone Nipple Crazy on Snapchat of the Day

Amanda Seyfried and Justin Long are the Awkward Couple of the Day

I am not the kind of guy who gets mad at girls I don’t know or really care about for the guys they date, even if the guy is some seriously embarrassing dude to date, we’re talking the Mac Guy, who was good enough for Drew Barrymore, but even that was a fail on her part, and she’s low level…while Seyfried has all the potential in the world to be a young starlet I masturbate to, because not only does she do the big payday movies, she also does nude shit…and that’s usually all it takes…but now…admitting of the shit she puts in her vagina, makes me kinda hate her…and realize she’s obviously got a flawed personality because girls who don’t have flawed personalities don’t fuck with Justin Long….I mean she’s so boring outside of acting, this is just the nail in the coffin of replace this bitch…with a younger model…who doesn’t fuck with Justin Long… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Amanda Seyfried and Justin Long are the Awkward Couple of the Day

Amanda Seyfried and Justin Long are the Awkward Couple of the Day

I am not the kind of guy who gets mad at girls I don’t know or really care about for the guys they date, even if the guy is some seriously embarrassing dude to date, we’re talking the Mac Guy, who was good enough for Drew Barrymore, but even that was a fail on her part, and she’s low level…while Seyfried has all the potential in the world to be a young starlet I masturbate to, because not only does she do the big payday movies, she also does nude shit…and that’s usually all it takes…but now…admitting of the shit she puts in her vagina, makes me kinda hate her…and realize she’s obviously got a flawed personality because girls who don’t have flawed personalities don’t fuck with Justin Long….I mean she’s so boring outside of acting, this is just the nail in the coffin of replace this bitch…with a younger model…who doesn’t fuck with Justin Long… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Amanda Seyfried and Justin Long are the Awkward Couple of the Day

Winona Ryder’s Big Tits Spilling Out of Her Shirt of the Day

I always forget that Winona Ryder is busty….that’s probably because I always forget who Winona Ryder is….but I know that there are a lot of you obsessive 40 year old losers who still jerk off to Edward Scissorhands or Beetlejuice like it was still 1992…cuz they just can’t let go….maybe it is because it reminds them of a time when they still had hopes and dreams, when they were young and excited about what life had to offer, before realizing just how much it actually sucks, or maybe they just like jewish celebrity tits that grew old with them….I don’t fuckin’ know or really care….I just know she is spilling out of her shirt….for old times….not that it matters…or that it’s really that interesting….unless you are a diehard fan who just can’t move on with your life….

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Winona Ryder’s Big Tits Spilling Out of Her Shirt of the Day

Zac Efron — Tight Package

Filed under: Paparazzi Photo , Hot Bodies , Zac Efron Zac Efron got to work this weekend filming “The Death and Life of Charlie St. Cloud,” a movie about … well, we don’t know or really care, just check out that bod.Is that his hand in his pocket — or is Zac just happy to see us

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Zac Efron — Tight Package