Tag Archives: know-the-half

Slow-Motion For Me: Brother Nature Hilariously Holds A Sloth For The First Time, Dirty Dancing Ensues [Video]

Image via Mark Newman/Getty Kelvin Peña Holds Sloth For The First Time Some of you may be familiar with “Brother Nature” of Twitter fame. He goes by the handle @ColdGameKelv, but his mama calls him Kelvin Peña. She probably doesn’t say his last name when she calls him, but that’s besides the point. Kelvin has a special kind of love for wildlife and he interacts with animals in a way that we’ve never seen represented before. Take, for example, his latest Instagram post. Yesterday, Kelvin held a sloth for the very first time and far as we can tell, it was love at first sight. If you think this is good, you don’t know the half. Flip the page to see more of Kelv’s hilarious, heartfelt hijinks.

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Slow-Motion For Me: Brother Nature Hilariously Holds A Sloth For The First Time, Dirty Dancing Ensues [Video]

Kanye West’s Ex-Fiancée Alexis Phifer Speaks Out On Amber Rose And Her Yang-Talkin’: “I Just Have No Words For Her”

Kanye West’s ex-fiancée, Alexis Phifer , had a lil chat with VIBE magazine on life after Yeezy and Amber Rose talking sh*t about her…. Another one of Kanye’s exes, Amber Rose, once went on the radio and said something to the effect of “You see Kanye’s other ex, he was with her for six years, took her the same places and no one even remembers her name now…” Did that sting? I believe that you get what you want out of a situation and Kanye will tell you, that I didn’t [want that attention]. It’s weird. I’ll get on the red carpet and over-criticize myself. I don’t want that attention. She wanted that and that’s what she got out of it. But if I want to go to King magazine [Ed Note: This interview was conducted prior to Amber Rose’s June 2011 King cover] right now and be in a sexy bathing suit I’m sure I’d generate some type of interest. It’s just the decisions you make that put you where you are. She is where she’s at because that’s where she wants to be and I’m where I’m at because that’s where I want to be also. I was kind of like “Girl please.” I just laughed that off, brushed that one right off my shoulders. She doesn’t really know what she’s saying, so I can’t even be mad at her. She doesn’t even know the half.

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Kanye West’s Ex-Fiancée Alexis Phifer Speaks Out On Amber Rose And Her Yang-Talkin’: “I Just Have No Words For Her”