Tag Archives: know-the-hells

Conan O’Brien Injured During Taping of Show

Conan O’Brien was injured while filming a skit for his show this afternoon and was unable to continue taping, this according to a rep from NBC.

Here’s the statement from NBC, which includes a quote from Conan:

Tonight, NBC will broadcast a repeat of ‘The Tonight Show with Conan O’Brien.’ Conan hit his head doing a stunt and the show was not finished.

Conan O’Brien added, “Last thing I remember I was enjoying the play with Mrs. Lincoln, and the next thing I knew I was in bed being served cookies and juice.

See the article here:
Conan O’Brien Injured During Taping of Show

Gosselaar vs. Stamos: Who’d You Rather?

Filed under: Who’d You Rather?

Here is the original post:
Gosselaar vs. Stamos: Who’d You Rather?

Aerosmith Guitarist Goes Rogue

Filed under: We’re Just Sayin’ Here’s Aerosmith’s Joe Perry yesterday at an event in D.C. (left) — and Rogue, from “X-Men: The Animated Series” in the early 90s.One is a lady … the other just looks like one.We’re just sayin’! See Also Kim K.

Go here to read the rest:
Aerosmith Guitarist Goes Rogue

Hulk — What the Hells Angels? It Was a Joke!

Filed under: The Hogans You know the Hells Angels are badass when a guy like Hulk Hogan — who once body slammed 540-pound wrestler Andre the Giant — is apologizing to them.Hulk is now saying sorry over a prank voice mail he left on a guy named Chase Holfelder’s answering … Permalink

More here:
Hulk — What the Hells Angels? It Was a Joke!