Tag Archives: know-the-taxiis

Montreal Taxi Hit and Run of the Day

This is just fucking crazy….A Montreal taxi ran over a dude, who was likely drunk after after some kind of confrontation went down this past Saturday night…..now I hate drunk people as much as the next guy….even though I am always drunk…maybe especailly cuz I am a drunk….and I hate seeing people get fucked with by drunk idiots….unless I am the drunk idiot and the people getting fucked are hot pussy….you know the taxiis just trying to make a fucking living and these cocksuckers are fucking with him….jumping on his car that he probably doesn’t own…damages he’ll have to pay for….I’d probably run over one of them if I was in his position too….self defense like dude Trayvon…..only unlike Trayvon this motherufucker is gonna live.

See the article here:
Montreal Taxi Hit and Run of the Day