Tag Archives: his-position

NBA BEEF: Stephen Jackson Disses Amare Stoudemire & Tyson Chandler’s Style Choices

See the original post here:

NBA baller Stephen Jackson considers himself to be a real man’s man. While maintaining his position on the San Antonio Spurs, Jackson uses his Twitter…

NBA BEEF: Stephen Jackson Disses Amare Stoudemire & Tyson Chandler’s Style Choices

Montreal Taxi Hit and Run of the Day

This is just fucking crazy….A Montreal taxi ran over a dude, who was likely drunk after after some kind of confrontation went down this past Saturday night…..now I hate drunk people as much as the next guy….even though I am always drunk…maybe especailly cuz I am a drunk….and I hate seeing people get fucked with by drunk idiots….unless I am the drunk idiot and the people getting fucked are hot pussy….you know the taxiis just trying to make a fucking living and these cocksuckers are fucking with him….jumping on his car that he probably doesn’t own…damages he’ll have to pay for….I’d probably run over one of them if I was in his position too….self defense like dude Trayvon…..only unlike Trayvon this motherufucker is gonna live.

See the article here:
Montreal Taxi Hit and Run of the Day

Ken Lewis Is Stepping Down! (BAC)

kenlewiscloseup.jpg. Ken Lewis will step down from his position as the chief executive of Bank of America by year’s end Continue reading