Tag Archives: know-the-words

Christina Aguilera’s Super Shitty Superbowl Performance of the Day

I’m not American and apparently either is Christina Aguilera, cuz otherwise she’d know the words…. I can assume has been too busy eating her weight in food to take the 10 minutes it takes to memorize a song you normally have ingrained in your every inch cuz you’re American…this is shit you learn at a young age so you remember how proud you are…that is when your youth isn’t robbed of you for the personal gain of your mother who figures it’s easier to whore your kid out than to whore yourself out…. This is probably old news by now, since every American is watching the superbowl and probably very offened this first generation would piss on a nation on its proudest day, on its proudest Texan soil…she might as well shoulda come our dressed like an arab with a burning flag. Let’s hope this ruins her…get her blacklisted and forces her to move to Canada cuz her voice is irritating…. Christina Aguilera botched the national anthem something fierce before the Super Bowl. Aguilera started out all right, but she had a problem with the ramparts — specifically, the “O’er the ramparts we watched” line, which she left out altogether. .. Aguilera tried to make up for it by combining two lines — “What so proudly we watched,” instead of “What so proudly we hailed”, but let’s just say that it was too late to reverse the error. Twitter blew up, and all Aguilera could do was to oversing every word from there on out, which she most certainly did. Here is Will.I.Am ripping off Daft Punk’s Show from 4 years ago, cuz Will.I.Am is about as creative as Ripping off a bunch of Electro DJs gets…#fullofshit Everyone cares that Eminem did this Ad for Detroit….cuz he’s the only idiot rich enough to leave Detroit who stays in Detroit….


Originally posted here:
Christina Aguilera’s Super Shitty Superbowl Performance of the Day

Horny News Anchor Wants Soy Jism of the Day

I don’t know what is going on in this clip, but I know the words “Soy Jism” are said by a female anchor who I guess committed herself to her career instead of taking creampies and makin’ babies like the 16 year old girl I met on the Native Reserve the other day…and now she’s sexually peaking, horny, desperate, she’s carrying it into her work and lucky for her work is on TV….and I like how her co-anchor starts lookin’ around for a bed to have his way with this dirtbag….

See original here:
Horny News Anchor Wants Soy Jism of the Day

R.I.P. – BIGGIE SMALLS | MeetThaDealer

Today is the 13 year anniversary of Biggie’s death. Frolab posted some great throwback videos. Go check it out.

R.I.P. – BIGGIE SMALLS | MeetThaDealer

Pictures of Rap Songs: Biggie Smalls Dedication – TheLegendsLeague …

Today marks the anniversary of the death of Biggie Smalls , so I thought it would only be right to dedicate an installment of “Pictures of Rap Songs” to one of the Greatest Rappers of All Time. Sing along if you know the words people. …

Read the original post:
Pictures of Rap Songs: Biggie Smalls Dedication – TheLegendsLeague …