Tag Archives: known-forever

Mila Kunis is a Dumpy Sexy Girl Alive of the Day

Mila Kunis was rated the Sexiest girl alive in some bullshit, nonsense, ranking system invented by whatever magazine it was who decided she was the sexiest woman alive. All media is a lie it is all make belief motherfuckers, there is no rhyme or reason to their lists….and this girl just has a good PR Team, Management Team and Agent… The only flaw in their strategy is the whole Ashton Kutcher love affair, because it annoys the general public, but that’s just because he annoys the general public, and we were happier when he was locked into an evil, 50 year old, disgusting coke head with emotional issues than some young starlet he’s known forever…it was a better love story/ prison sentence, fate worse than death….. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

Mila Kunis is a Dumpy Sexy Girl Alive of the Day