Tag Archives: ranking-system

Rat Cow on Vacation Being a Rat Cow of the Day

Rat Cow is so diverse – she can show more than just her tits – she can also show her ass… Rat Cow is my favorite hybrid animal…it’s got the face of the rat, the prosperous utters of a cow, and it’s comes in the form of a woman who shameless prostitutes herself like some kind of sex worker, through exhibitionism, all to get attention and it worked…. She’s making over a million dollars a year at this bullshit racket, and it’s all because of her bullshit rack…that people jack it to…in a read that fast it will confuse you kind of way…. She’s not a fan of mine, not that she cares that I exist, but she cares enough to block me on social media – and that’s not very nice….especially when all I do is talk about how her lip injections look defated, or her fake tits look great for fake tits, all on her skinny frame that carries her average at best face… It’s like these girls don’t like the ranking system, but they parade themselves around like a bunch of cows at the cattle auction for people to fucking rate them… If they don’t want to be sexualized, or jerked off to, which they do, they are exhibitionists and just can’t say they like it, they could stay in the damn house and create something of purpose in the world… Instead…they create smut, which arguably has purpose, it’s just low hanging fruit…look I have big tits…look at my big tits..pay me so I can go on vacation to whore out my big tits more than I already have because it’s been 5 years…and I need it to continue… The post Rat Cow on Vacation Being a Rat Cow of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Rat Cow on Vacation Being a Rat Cow of the Day

Loren Kemp Nipple for Fault UK of the Day

Loren Kemp is some Dutch model who has probably shown her tits before as models do…and who is showing tits again as models do…because this is what making it in the world of fashion is all about…you know sizing up which skinny girl is willing to get more naked….which is coincidentally also the way to make it in all jobs….because no one likes girls who don’t get naked….whether it’s for selling and marketing clothes….or selling and marketing sex…it’s all the same shit…we’re all a bunch of fucking whores…

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Loren Kemp Nipple for Fault UK of the Day

Mila Kunis is a Dumpy Sexy Girl Alive of the Day

Mila Kunis was rated the Sexiest girl alive in some bullshit, nonsense, ranking system invented by whatever magazine it was who decided she was the sexiest woman alive. All media is a lie it is all make belief motherfuckers, there is no rhyme or reason to their lists….and this girl just has a good PR Team, Management Team and Agent… The only flaw in their strategy is the whole Ashton Kutcher love affair, because it annoys the general public, but that’s just because he annoys the general public, and we were happier when he was locked into an evil, 50 year old, disgusting coke head with emotional issues than some young starlet he’s known forever…it was a better love story/ prison sentence, fate worse than death….. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

Mila Kunis is a Dumpy Sexy Girl Alive of the Day