Tag Archives: komodo-dragons

REVIEW: Limp, Clueless Bucky Larson is No Bright Shining Star

It’s not like Bucky Larson: Born to Be a Star aspires to be Citizen Kane , or Monty Python and the Holy Grail or even Wedding Crashers . All it wants to be is a silly, raunchy comedy about the rise of an extremely unlikely adult film actor. That it fails so spectacularly in this regard makes it almost something special — not only is Bucky Larson incredibly unfunny, it’s also squeamish in a manner that makes you wonder if either writers Adam Sandler (who produced the film via his Happy Madison company), Allen Covert and Nick Swardson (who plays Bucky) have somehow never actually seen porn, or if they subcontracted the script out to a group of eight-year-olds with only the vaguest idea of what it entails. The latter would explain how incidental sex is to what’s theoretically a movie all about it, from an early scene in which we learn that our hero has never masturbated or even heard of the concept, to the porn career he establishes, in which he never actually comes into contact with his costars.

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REVIEW: Limp, Clueless Bucky Larson is No Bright Shining Star

No, Matt Damon Will Not Show Up in Jeremy Renner’s The Bourne Legacy

“No, I have no idea about any of it. All I know is that it doesn’t preclude Paul [Greengrass] and me from doing another one of ours,” original Bourne series star Matt Damon teased recently when asked if he’d show up to pass the torch to Jeremy Renner in Tony Gilroy’s 2012 sequel The Bourne Legacy . Cheeky as that answer is, Damon was quick to play nice anyhow. “He’s got a whole other thing that they’re doing and I wish them well,” he added, “and Tony [Gilroy’s] really smart. I’m sure they’re going to be great.” So, no hard feelings. Really . [ MTV ]

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No, Matt Damon Will Not Show Up in Jeremy Renner’s The Bourne Legacy

Red Band Trailer for Indonesian Action Film The Raid Features the Harshest Violence of the Year

Now, now: The word “Indonesian” should make my description of The Raid ‘s red band trailer intriguing enough. Will there be expensive coffee? Komodo Dragons? Beautiful Sumatran supermodels? Even better: Gareth Evans’s The Raid ( Serbuan Maut ) has the harshest, roughest, bloodiest, fastest-paced action of any trailer I’ve seen this year. It is a rush, and it is shocking as hell. It’s the rare movie that warrants a “red band trailer;” type in your birthday, click play, and let your jaw drop.

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Red Band Trailer for Indonesian Action Film The Raid Features the Harshest Violence of the Year