Tag Archives: kwame-harris

Happy Birthday, Grumpy Cat!!!

The Internet’s most favoritest, grumpiest cat turned 1 this week. As you can imagine, it sucked. This is Grumpy Cat after all. Despite achieving more in a year than most of us could dream about in a lifetime – fame, fortune, meeting Ian Somerhalder at SXSW – Tardar Saurce remains incorrigible. One can sympathize here. Birthdays often fail to live up to expectations, even for eternal optimists. People make such a BFD about them, and for what?! Ooooh, you didn’t die in 12 whole months!? Whoop-dee-doo. Anyway, hopefully year two will eat it slightly less maybe? Happy birthday, Grumps.

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Happy Birthday, Grumpy Cat!!!

Gay NFL Players: Four to Come Out?

Kwame Harris , a former offensive lineman for the 49ers, confirmed last week that he is gay. But Brendon Ayanbadejo – a special teams standout released this month by the Baltimore Ravens – says we should expect a lot more movement on this front in the near future. “We’re in talks with a handful of players who are considering [coming out],” Ayanbadejo tells The Baltimore Sun . “There are up to four players being talked to right now and they’re trying to be organized so they can come out on the same day together. It would make a major splash and take the pressure off one guy. It would be a monumental day if a handful or a few guys come out.” Just a few days ago, a CBS Sports report also claimed an active player would reveal himself as a homosexual, something that is yet to happen in any American professional sport. All of this speculation comes as the gay marriage debate heats up amidst the California Supreme Court weighing the legality of Proposition 8.

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Gay NFL Players: Four to Come Out?