Tag Archives: ladies-on-teen

Kailyn Lowry: 13 Heartbreaking Details from Her New Memoir

Every single one of the ladies on Teen Mom and Teen Mom 2 have gone through hard times — that's kind of the whole point of the show — but Kailyn Lowry has had more than her fair share of struggles. Kailyn's been open about the things she's been through on the show, but in her new memoir, Heart & Hustle, she gets real personal about it all. Check out the most heartbreaking tidbits below. 1. She came from a broken home. “It sure as hell seemed like my own parents couldn’t muster up any love to send my way. My own parents!” 2. Her parents never taught her how to love. “If I couldn’t look to them for an example of what it means to be loved, how could I imagine what it was like? If my parents couldn’t love me, how could I be sure anyone would?” 3. She feels like her mom didn’t love her enough. “Not enough to numb the embarrassment when she showed up at my elementary school reeking of Jack Daniels. Not enough to dull my hurt and anger when she disappeared and left me on my own for long, long stretches of time. By the time I was a teenager, no one had to tell me to follow my heart.” 4. Her mother was an alcoholic. “The best of my mom’s love went into the bottles she drowned herself in day in and day out. The love that should have been mine went into bottles and empty cans that were tossed in the trash and carried away. I was left with whatever spilled, and it wasn’t enough.” 5. She had a rough childhood. “I acted up in school, smoked too much weed, had sex too young—the list goes on.” 6. She still tried to be a good daughter. “No one can ever say I didn’t try to have a relationship with my mother. I spent the most vulnerable years of my childhood working to hide her drinking from teachers, classmates and neighbors while trying to earn her love.” View Slideshow

Kailyn Lowry: 13 Heartbreaking Details from Her New Memoir