Tag Archives: landfill-photo

Britain’s Allotment Culture: When Residents Demand Land, They Get It (Video)

Image credit: The Journey TV From this awesome tour of a permaculture allotment , to residents battling to keep their gardens , Britain’s ‘allotment’ culture has featured regularly on TreeHugger. And not without good reason. These small plots of land, rented from local government for an affordable fee, are visible in almost every town and city across the country,… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Britain’s Allotment Culture: When Residents Demand Land, They Get It (Video)

Sustainability is Not Black Or White – "More Sustainable" is Possible

Image credit: D’Arcy Norman & timtak (Creative Commons) When I wrote about industrial agriculture exploring sustainability , commenter Ruben suggested that the idea of something being “more sustainable” was illogical. Citing Bill Rees, the inventor of Ecological Footprinting, he claimed that sustainability was like pregnancy—”either you are or you aren’t”. I’d like to politely disagree. … Read the full story on TreeHugger

Here is the original post:
Sustainability is Not Black Or White – "More Sustainable" is Possible