Tag Archives: latino-people

Nicole Neal Hairy for Page 3 of the Day

I don’t know what they were thinking over at PAGE 3, the UK daily newspaper’s porn section, because every newspaper needs tits, cuz tits get hits…and really make the news more interesting to read. Not to mention, Page 3 tits are really the reason the whole Glamour Model movement exists. It gave the everyday big titty sluts something to aspire to be, you know to be topless in the newspaper, cuz once you get in the newspaper, you’ve officially made it. Everyone knows that. Especially big titty sluts. But you’d think they would have taken the time to photoshop out her body hair…sure it is blonde, but is fucking everywhere, and it is freaking me out, she’s like a fuzzy fucking animal and it’s making me uncomfortable… Sure she’s otherwise awesome to look at, one of those Glamour models you don’t hate and understand why she’s in this game…but that ass cheek hair, standing on it’s end, shows a serious lack of maintenance…and I am someone who loves bush…just not when it’s creating a weird layer over a bitch in her entirety. Weird.

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Nicole Neal Hairy for Page 3 of the Day

Shakira’s Fat Ass in a Bikini on the Beach of the Day

You know what isn’t small and humble? Shakira’s belly…and ass… I mean I get it, she just had a kid, but that’s no fucking excuse to go down the Christina Aguilera route of sex appeal, if anything, the one thing she should have learned from Christina Aguilera, before taking her job on the voice, was to not do that…but these rich bitches never learn, and feel like they will be adorned even when obese, because their fans are latino and latino people are used to fat chicks, but more importantly, are loyal and passionate to their kind, like one massive fucking family, even though in that family, all Shakira wants out of them is their fucking money…it’s a scam…like her in a bikini…it should never have happened…not until she laid off the tacos and toned the fuck up… To See the Rest of the Pics CLICK HERE

Shakira’s Fat Ass in a Bikini on the Beach of the Day