If you’re an MTV reality star, you can throw over-the-top birthday parties for whomever you want; why, just last night, Heidi threw an a lavish soiree for a seven-year-old of no blood relation to her! For Heidi, the fete was an excuse to crowd her home with creatures who could not judge her: an elephant, children with no understanding of plastic surgery or mental illness, and clowns. But for the rest of the world watching last night’s episode, “Elephant in the Room,” the birthday soiree was just another depressing glimpse into Heidi’s fun house of delusions. Which moments rang truest and falsest?

Here is the original post:
The Hills Reality Check: Heidi and Spencer Should Be Arrested For Hosting a Children’s Birthday Party
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip, Hollywood, Hot Stuff, News
Tagged birthday, blood-relation, jerkin, lavish-soiree, moments-rang, plastic-surgery, robin, spencer-pratt, tv guide