Tag Archives: lawyers-claim

Does the "Utility Only" Cap and Trade Pass Muster?

Photo via the Blind Eye The chances of comprehensive clean energy and climate legislation passing the Senate continue to slip away as the election cycle draws nearer. ‘Moderate’ Dems fear throwing their support behind a climate bill like Kerry and Lieberman’s, since Republicans have had some success falsely labeling the bill a ‘job-killing energy tax” (never mind that the vast majority of Americans support clean energy legislation). So, a number of alternative options are being considered, such as an ‘energy only’ bill, and a ‘utility only’ cap and trade bill — a bi… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Does the "Utility Only" Cap and Trade Pass Muster?

Oil Corp Lawyers Claim Offshore Drilling Ban is Destroying an ‘Ecosystem of Business’

The latest image of the oil spill from NASA I have to admit that I’ve been trying to think beyond the ongoing environmental horror-show of the BP oil spill and get past blame and anger with it all. But a new piece in The Guardian brought anger right back to the fore. Apparently lawyers for the oil industry, in a grotesque stretching of words, are claiming that the current ban of deepwater drilling in the Gulf of Mexico is destroying an “ecos… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Oil Corp Lawyers Claim Offshore Drilling Ban is Destroying an ‘Ecosystem of Business’