Tag Archives: learned-some

Jewel’s Hubby: Yes to Love, No to Dancing!

Jewel’s bull riding husband Ty Murray is so totally done with dancing. Even if he learned some impressive fancy footwork while competing on the ABC show, Jewel says the hubby has…

See the original post here:
Jewel’s Hubby: Yes to Love, No to Dancing!

Jersey Shore XXX Is Happening

Link: http://www.okmagazine.com/2009/12/adu… Surprise: someone is making a porno “parody” of MTV's Jersey Shore

See the article here:
Jersey Shore XXX Is Happening

Who Brought Mom to the Rave?

A mommy raver presumably took some X and acted a hot mess at Sydney’s Field Day Festival yesterday. Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment

The 10 Nicest Things About Rush Limbaugh

I got worried about Rush while he was in hospital , so I decided to compile a list of likable, non-obnoxious things that he has done. This was one of the more difficult pieces of research I have ever attempted, but I learned some things! Here's what I've got

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The 10 Nicest Things About Rush Limbaugh