Tag Archives: least-nobody

Fans Put Evelyn On Blast Over Her Frozen Eggs And Former Plans To Tote A Gut Full Of Ochostinko

Evelyn Addresses Fans Concerns Over Her Frozen Eggs BBW reality ratchetista Evelyn Lozada made more than a few mentions on the show about her plans to have another child in the near future and she originally planned to do so with her head-butting ex-hubby Chad Johnson. Now that Mr. and Mrs. Ochostinko are no more, her fans are wondering what she plans to do with her lil back burner babies. via Examiner In episode 3 of season 3 the coupled went to a fertility clinic to get answers that they needed concerning their options, and Chad gave up some sperm during their visit to the doctor’s office. Well, after Evelyn and Chad divorced the questions regarding Evelyn Lozada’s eggs were still around. Did Evelyn go through with the procedure to freeze her eggs? What will happen to the frozen eggs? Fans asked Evelyn if she planned on using Chad’s frozen babies, or if she was going to allow them “to go to waste.” Evelyn answered the question in her own special way during a tweet. “Chile, I may let them thangs get freezer burnt!” Evelyn tweeted. Given the way these two have been sending subliminals back and forth lately, we wouldn’t be surprised if Eve was keeping her frozen Chad Jrs on ice for a rainy day.

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Fans Put Evelyn On Blast Over Her Frozen Eggs And Former Plans To Tote A Gut Full Of Ochostinko

True Or False: Did Diddy Finally Catch Fade With Kid Cudi Over Chopping Cassie’s Boyish Cakes To Smithereens?

Earlier this year rumors swirled that Cassie let emo rapper Kid Cudi touch her in a special way. Apparently Diddy hasn’t forgotten. According to BOSSIP sources, Tuesday night Diddy and Cudi got into a nice little fight at Club Trousdale in Hollywood. “The club owner didn’t know that the two had beef over Cassie and decided to sit Diddy down next to Cudi,” the spy tells BOSSIP. “The two then exchanged some heated words to the point where the entire club was watching – creating a huge scene.” Well at least nobody got hurt. Except Cudi’s ego most likely. Maybe Kid Cudi should stop partying so hard and sober up and avoid the club scene. Because it seems Diddy has made it clear he runs NY and LA.

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True Or False: Did Diddy Finally Catch Fade With Kid Cudi Over Chopping Cassie’s Boyish Cakes To Smithereens?