Tag Archives: least-right

Wife of Cheney Mason Calls 911 Over Casey Anthony Death Threats

The deluge of Casey Anthony death threats continues. The accused murderer herself is in hiding , and if this continues, people associated with her – such as attorney Cheney Mason – may want to follow suit. Mason’s wife called 911 Tuesday, claiming someone told her “Your scumbag husband and Baez [Casey’s other attorney] better sleep with one eye open.” Following this and several other reported threats, officials in Seminole County will perform multiple drive-bys daily to make sure the Masons are safe. The Seminole County Sheriff’s Office is working with the State Attorney to acquire phone records to track down the callers. Listen to the 911 call here: Casey Anthony Lawyer Calls 911

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Wife of Cheney Mason Calls 911 Over Casey Anthony Death Threats

Jennifer Aniston Introduces Justin Theroux to Her Dad

Jennifer Aniston’s relationship with Justin Theroux is getting serious! The men in her life – Theroux and her dad, John – bonded over lobster, wine and their love for Jen at Delmonico’s Steak and Lobster House in L.A. recently. Says a source at the restaurant : “Jen’s a regular here and normally very relaxed. This time she seemed more on edge. She was smiling, but you could tell this was a special event for her.” “John looked very protective of Jen, and when Justin went to the restroom, he put his hand on top of hers,” reveals the eyewitness. “It was sweet.” Jen has long been estranged from her mom, Nancy, who wrote a book about their relationship, but values her father’s approval more than anything. John recently confided that the perfect guy for Jennifer has to be not only kind and caring, but “someone honest – honesty is very important.” Hopefully Theroux passed muster.

See the original post:
Jennifer Aniston Introduces Justin Theroux to Her Dad

Weston Cage Busted For Domestic Violence … Again

Weston Cage was arrested early Wednesday for felony domestic violence. The troubled son of Nic Cage was also arrested for DV earlier this month. This time, Cage was arrested and then to a nearby hospital to be treated for cuts, injuries police believe – at least right now – were self-inflicted. The mother of Weston’s pregnant wife Nikki Williams , who he plans to divorce, says she is okay, and that “Nikki is safe and away from him.” Weston is still in custody on $50,000 bail, TMZ reports.

Continued here:
Weston Cage Busted For Domestic Violence … Again