Tag Archives: leave-rotting

Salma Hayek in GQ Mexico of the Day

Salma Hayek may be old, washed up, boring….because she’s rich and has made it in America as a Mexican import who barely speaks english, unless that’s just part of her act, where she milks being a Mexican you want to milk, and wish was illegally working in your house cleaning and taking care of your kids for a dollar a day – so that you can Arnold Schwarzenegger her – but realize it’s a fantasy – because she’s not an illegal…and more importantly…because you don’t have a dollar a day to pay her if she was…sadness… I guess she’s in some midlife crisis, or pulling out the old content she shot and never used, for GQ Mexico…in her second media blitz for Mexico in a day, maybe she’s running for President there…or maybe she’s got a new movie…or maybe she’s calling favors to get the attention she SEEKS…who knows…but good fucking job…reminding us why you exist…THEM TITS. Solid…yet so soft and juicy…like a ripe Mexican Avacado i want to stick my dick in….and fuck…because I am that dude you can’t leave rotting fruit around…I’ll just fuck it. The post Salma Hayek in GQ Mexico of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Salma Hayek in GQ Mexico of the Day