Tag Archives: legendary-tit

Annalynne McCord’s Hot Body Bottom Feeds on American Gladiator in a Bikini of the Day

Here are some pictures of Annalynne McCord’s tight hot body that everyone in her shitty home town used to compliment enough to give her the confidence to move to LA and suck dick onto a really shitty show…feeding her ego and making her think it is gonna last, even though the rest of the world knows she’s on borrowed time and the second her stint on 90210 the Next Generation is up, she’s heading back to that home town to work that diner and be the local who almost made it…and I have a feeling in the back of her mind she knows it…otherwise she wouldn’t be taking any TV spot she can get…like American Gladiators…you know milk it while the cow’s still alive or something….she also works the paparazzi, is ridiculously tacky…but that hot body’s alright to look at…especially since it thinks it has staying power…cuz watching the fall from the top gives us all something to look forward to….

Originally posted here:
Annalynne McCord’s Hot Body Bottom Feeds on American Gladiator in a Bikini of the Day

Sophia Loren Better Late than Never Legendary Nipples on Vacation of the Day

I don’t really know what is going on here…but that’s just because she’s an old sloppy woman who is slowly melting…leaving her tits a seriously confused mess…one that might be as confused as her old fucking brain…but that’s not to say that there’s anything wrong with that…it’s part of old pussy charm…you know part of the reason you apply for the job working as an orderly at an old folks home…cuz the women are easy, don’t remember you molesting them, and when they tell their family you molest them, no one believes them and while you’re molesting them, they love every fucking second…even though their vaginas are big and scary….it’s worth the risk….not that it matters… What matters is that a legend of the silver screen…a woman so many men jerked off to….is showing some nipple in a better late than never paparazzi capture of amazingness…good hustle….I just wish she was fully nude…cuz like a scientist, I want to know what’s going on down in her underwear…but I’ll settle for old lady saggy yet legendary tit…cuz I really have no choice.

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Sophia Loren Better Late than Never Legendary Nipples on Vacation of the Day