Tag Archives: legged-nobodies

Karissa Shannon Gets Down And Dirty

Karissa Shannon must truly believe we’re absolute morons if she think we won’t notice that this crap is completely stage. Here she is “fixing a flat tire” in the rain the other day with her top off in a little white bra…. Plausible? I didn’t think so. Where’s her deadbeat boyfriend and sextape coconspirator when she needs him? That’s right, they need someone to work the camera while they pretend to have a car troubles. What was I thinking? The worst part of the whole ordeal is that I’m the moron posting these pictures that just adds fuel to their retard quest to become a celebrity. I hate myself for it, I really do, but slutty blonde chicks without their tops on is kinda my thing. I’m a weak man.

Jessie J And Her Sweet Long Legs

Here’s another one of those moments where I have no idea who the hell this person is, apparently her name is Jessie J and she….. I haven’t got the slightest clue what she does or what makes her “famous”. That being said, I love long legged nobodies and this bird seems to fit right into that category. Here she is at that Bieber movie crap looking good in her little pink skirt. Those legs seem to go on forever. Wait, if she’s at the Bieber premiere how old is this chick? Checking… Checking…. We’re good, I’d bang her. Enjoy. more pictures of Jessie J here