Tag Archives: legit-channel

Olivia Munn Puppies of the Day

Olivia Munn gets perpetual hate from people, but I’m sure she’s not that bad. She just had an opportunity that came her way before social media was really that big, to host a TV show, that was on a legit digital, but still legit channel…that ended up going bankrupt, and she took it…because it was probably better that going to failed audition after failed audition…her mouth was already warn out and tired of sucking its way through… So she reached a bunch of gamers and nerds and gamers and nerds are loyal – they put her on the map – because they loved that she spoke their language – even if they knew it was a lie – it brought hope and they believed… Then she got into movies, and now she’s posting big cleavage and puppies on instagram…and none of it matters…she doesn’t matter…but for some reason…you virgin losers still jerk off to her…or the memory of her you probably married when she reviewed your favorite video game..or some equally strange, socially awkward thing…

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Olivia Munn Puppies of the Day