Tag Archives: before-social

Chrissy Teigen 80s Aerobics For Love Magazine of the Day

Chrissy Teigen is the fucking worst, her husband she wallet fucked is likely gay, their child probably not his…but I doubt she’d fuck that one up, she’s committed to him hard – for the long haul, because she spotted talented before he was super famous – and she knew to invest her energy into him, and it paid off because half of everything of his – which is alot – is hers…and that made for a good lifestyle considering she was only making 50k a year at her peak of being a model, before social media allowed her to get on a TV show…and run her annoying mouth off in different mediums…all while being a chubby busty ethnically obscure pile of shit… Well, unfortunately, her LOVE MAGAZINE video is the best one they did, her eating junk food working out, not very Christmas, but compared to all their other videos this is the only one that has any substance…and not just her big tits 80s aerobic…but a joke, humor, a purpose, irony, whatever this is and that is so hard for me to accept…or admit…because I hate the Love Magazine campaign this year and Chrissy Teigen is the fucking devil…she is the fucking worst and her fans..who have lashed out at me at least once…are very fucking annoying….not to mention she wasn’t hot pre-baby, and this is post baby..so you’d think she wouldn’t be hot now….but I’m digging it and there is just too much going on in my head to grasp what I am thinking…other than that I want a burger. The post Chrissy Teigen 80s Aerobics For Love Magazine of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Chrissy Teigen 80s Aerobics For Love Magazine of the Day

Kate Moss and Cara Delevingne Lesbianism of the DAy

This campaign makes sense…Kate Moss…the original Cara Delevingne…who we can all assume Cara Delevingne channels everytime she’s in front of the camera…in a “Look I’m Like KAte Moss”…only a fucking scam, not an actual model, yet seen as a model, all because she’s tall and people pay her millions to be in their campaigns…which I guess makes her a model..just far less cool with her I don’t Give a fUck attitude than Kate Moss, because Kate Moss did it before social media and actually didn’t give a fuck…while Cara Delevingne does it for social media, uploading images, in and of itself is giving a fuck….you know there’s a difference betwween authentic and fake..but I’ll still watch the fake try implied lesbianism with the real…in hopes of sucking some of her power out of her vagina…as she continues being Cara Delevingne…in the shadow, never quite as cool as Kate Moss..no matter how hard she tries her best to be as cool…. That said, this is for a luxury brand…weird. The post Kate Moss and Cara Delevingne Lesbianism of the DAy appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Kate Moss and Cara Delevingne Lesbianism of the DAy

Kate Moss and Cara Delevingne Lesbianism of the DAy

This campaign makes sense…Kate Moss…the original Cara Delevingne…who we can all assume Cara Delevingne channels everytime she’s in front of the camera…in a “Look I’m Like KAte Moss”…only a fucking scam, not an actual model, yet seen as a model, all because she’s tall and people pay her millions to be in their campaigns…which I guess makes her a model..just far less cool with her I don’t Give a fUck attitude than Kate Moss, because Kate Moss did it before social media and actually didn’t give a fuck…while Cara Delevingne does it for social media, uploading images, in and of itself is giving a fuck….you know there’s a difference betwween authentic and fake..but I’ll still watch the fake try implied lesbianism with the real…in hopes of sucking some of her power out of her vagina…as she continues being Cara Delevingne…in the shadow, never quite as cool as Kate Moss..no matter how hard she tries her best to be as cool…. That said, this is for a luxury brand…weird. The post Kate Moss and Cara Delevingne Lesbianism of the DAy appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Kate Moss and Cara Delevingne Lesbianism of the DAy

Olivia Munn Puppies of the Day

Olivia Munn gets perpetual hate from people, but I’m sure she’s not that bad. She just had an opportunity that came her way before social media was really that big, to host a TV show, that was on a legit digital, but still legit channel…that ended up going bankrupt, and she took it…because it was probably better that going to failed audition after failed audition…her mouth was already warn out and tired of sucking its way through… So she reached a bunch of gamers and nerds and gamers and nerds are loyal – they put her on the map – because they loved that she spoke their language – even if they knew it was a lie – it brought hope and they believed… Then she got into movies, and now she’s posting big cleavage and puppies on instagram…and none of it matters…she doesn’t matter…but for some reason…you virgin losers still jerk off to her…or the memory of her you probably married when she reviewed your favorite video game..or some equally strange, socially awkward thing…

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Olivia Munn Puppies of the Day