Tag Archives: leisure-time

The 9 Most Random Pictures of Nicolas Cage on the Set of Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance

Just when you start to think Nicolas Cage has run out of surprises, here comes a slew of new photos from the Turkey and Romania sets of Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance . I can happily report that these photos have almost nothing to do with the movie itself, and much more to do with how Nicolas Cage spends his leisure time on-set. Yes, this new installment of Ghost Rider is supposed to be a complete reboot — and it has those fun Crank directors on board — but I honestly can’t imagine the finished product being more entertaining than these nine random photos of Cage being Cage. Check them out after the jump.

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The 9 Most Random Pictures of Nicolas Cage on the Set of Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance

Fashion Police: Eliza Dushku, Robot Cocktail Waitress

In the future, our robot masters will weary of their campaign for world domination and human enslavement. They will build hotels and casinos for leisure time spent away from the War with the..

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Fashion Police: Eliza Dushku, Robot Cocktail Waitress