Tag Archives: less-euphoric

What’s On: Idol All Shook Up?

A certain American Idol vet returns to the show and gives an impassioned performance of his new single. Nope, it’s not Jorge Nunez. It’s the American Music Awards bandit who gives mad-hot Butch Patrick/Jo Anne Worley realness on that stage. It’s… well, just follow us through the break.

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What’s On: Idol All Shook Up?

Introducing Gleebasing: Your Guide to Glee’s High and Low Notes

Glee is kind of like crack. The first time you do it, you get an incredible high, but as you continue using, you feel less euphoric and more chemically dependent. You become paranoid (“Schu is trying to Benedict Arnold his own club!”), delusional (“Cory Monteith actually has a really good voice!”) and pretty soon, you’re shivering in the bathtub with a Glee soundtrack skipping in the living room and no more clean spoons in the house. If you share the same weakness, join Movieline each week to relive the highs, work through the lows, and earn extra credit off of your addiction. And pay attention — there will be a pop quiz.

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Introducing Gleebasing: Your Guide to Glee’s High and Low Notes