Tag Archives: sue sylvester

Gleebasing: Fat Bottomed Girls Make Valentine’s Day Go Round

Phew! Glee shed that faux football-loving, thrill-seeking, Katy Perry-exploiting skin that it adopted for Super Bowl fans on Sunday , and got back to basics with last night’s Valentine’s Day episode, where Blaine explained that February 14th is the one day of the year when you can just tell the person you love how you feel. (Unless you belong to the Church of Love Actually , in which case that one day of the year is Christmas.) Meanwhile, Santana taught viewers that revenge is best served with glandular fever, and Ryan Murphy sold his soul to the Gap for a cute dance number. Let’s review the highs and lows.

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Gleebasing: Fat Bottomed Girls Make Valentine’s Day Go Round

Glee: The Canonization of St. Kurt [Video]

The cast of Glee is full of characters that are lovably unlikable. Except for Babygay Kurt. He is perfect in every way. And in case you didn’t realize that, there was an entire episode to drive the point home. More

Glee: Accept No Substitutes [Video]

Before the Gwyneth Paltrow edition of Glee , our favorite fictionalized variety show, I was ready to hate her and the episode. Then we watched it and Gwyneth was—I hate to admit it— good . God, she’s such a bitch. More

Conan Drunkenly Recalls Meeting Andy Richter, YouTube Cats and E.B. White’s Advice

Let this be a lesson to all comedy festival organizers: If Conan O’B rien misses your event because of unforeseen career changes , he will make it up to you by visiting your city six months later for a rambling, wine-fueled appearance in which he talks about everything from toilet-trained felines to his fans.

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Conan Drunkenly Recalls Meeting Andy Richter, YouTube Cats and E.B. White’s Advice

Support Surly, Talent-Thwacking Harry Connick Jr. For Idol!

It’s not really “news” that Harry Connick Jr. is a contestant favorite to replace Simon Cowell on American Idol . But I just like to throw my own quick endorsement his way, if only for his admirable, riot-sparking work last year on the Aussie talent show Hey Hey It’s Saturday . Only an honest man can enliven the flagging franchise, and besides Cowell, only Connick has the proven ability to really torpedo an act on national television. I say yes, yes, a hundred times yes. Yes? [ Zap2It ]

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Support Surly, Talent-Thwacking Harry Connick Jr. For Idol!

What’s On: Is Jane Lynch Gearing Up for Another Emmy Nod?

Tonight, Jane Lynch adds another credit to her IMDB resume and guns for an Emmy nomination in a non-acting category. Nope, she’s not emulating Madonna in a Sue Sylvester concert spectacular, and she’s also not guest-starring on a network drama. Even better: With the aid of VH1, she’s trying out her hosting chops.

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What’s On: Is Jane Lynch Gearing Up for Another Emmy Nod?

What’s On: Idol All Shook Up?

A certain American Idol vet returns to the show and gives an impassioned performance of his new single. Nope, it’s not Jorge Nunez. It’s the American Music Awards bandit who gives mad-hot Butch Patrick/Jo Anne Worley realness on that stage. It’s… well, just follow us through the break.

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What’s On: Idol All Shook Up?

Introducing Gleebasing: Your Guide to Glee’s High and Low Notes

Glee is kind of like crack. The first time you do it, you get an incredible high, but as you continue using, you feel less euphoric and more chemically dependent. You become paranoid (“Schu is trying to Benedict Arnold his own club!”), delusional (“Cory Monteith actually has a really good voice!”) and pretty soon, you’re shivering in the bathtub with a Glee soundtrack skipping in the living room and no more clean spoons in the house. If you share the same weakness, join Movieline each week to relive the highs, work through the lows, and earn extra credit off of your addiction. And pay attention — there will be a pop quiz.

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Introducing Gleebasing: Your Guide to Glee’s High and Low Notes

Glee Starts Another with The Power of Madonna

Another Glee TV Season has started be shown right after after Tuesday’s “American Idol” at 9:28 p.m. Glee is an American musical comedy-drama television series that airs on Fox in the United States. It focuses on a high school glee club called “New Directions”, at the fictional William McKinley High School in Lima, Ohio. After a 4-month hiatus, Glee will show it’s last remaining 9 episodes and will have its Season Finale on June 8, 2010. For the latest episode the Susan (Sue) Sylvester ‘Vogue’ Video was premiered which was a reproduction of numerous scenes from Madonna’s Vogue Music Video. It will be a marathon of Madonna’s music on Glee and it’s already a guarrantee that next week’s episode will be entitled “The Power of Madonna”. Glee Starts Another with The Power of Madonna is a post from: Daily World Buzz Continue reading