Tag Archives: let-him

How Much Michael Jackson Is Too Much Michael Jackson?

I am so sick of Michael Jackson, already, let him rest in peace. Why are they giving his movie 15 premieres? Are people really going to see this?

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How Much Michael Jackson Is Too Much Michael Jackson?

Joules The Cycling Robot

Joules, the robot, isn't just there to be all sleek and sexy, he also does the pedaling. I'd let him ride me anytime

Here is the original post:
Joules The Cycling Robot

Big Tobacco Will Kill Us All

A compelling PSA from College Humor about the dangers of smoking.

Read more from the original source:
Big Tobacco Will Kill Us All

Masked Kid Calls Out All YouTube Posers And Hackers!

This kid has a list and you don't want to be on it.

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Masked Kid Calls Out All YouTube Posers And Hackers!

Casper The Commuter Cat

A cat has become such a well-known user of a Devon bus service that his drivers know where to let him off. ( Via BigRedKev ). Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment