President Obama’s inaugural address took place just hours ago, but V.P. Joe Biden is already hinting that he wants to replace his boss. In 2016, that is. At a gathering of influential Iowans Saturday, the gaffe-prone Veep said, “I’m proud to be the president of the United States.” Joe Biden: Proud to Be President! Biden, who unsuccessfully sought the presidency in 1988 and 2008, will be 73 in 2016, making him the oldest person ever elected president. There’s also the matter of Hillary Clinton, Obama’s outgoing Secretary of State and the odds-on favorite for the Democratic nomination … if she runs. Clinton would be 69 and the second-oldest president elected (after Ronald Reagan), incidentally. Whether either actually runs is anyone’s guess. Still, here are other recent hints that Biden is thinking about it: 1. New Hampshire is influential. Among the 120 guests Biden invited to his swearing-in for a second term? New Hampshire Gov. Maggie Hassan. 2. So is Iowa. It was at the Iowa State Society inauguration ball where he mistakenly said, “I’m proud to be president of the United States.” 3. On Election Day in November, Biden dismissed the notion that would be the last time he’d vote for himself. “No, I don’t think so,” he said. 4. Campaigning in October, Biden joked to a voter that, “after its all over, when your insurance rates go down, then you’ll vote for me in 2016.” 5. “There’s plenty of time to think about 2016,” he said last summer. “If three years from now the economy is not working, it’s not going to be worth doing much.” Or if could’ve just been a mistake when he made the above quote. When introducing V.P. candidate Paul Ryan last summer, Mitt Romney referred to him as “the next President of the United States” … which he still could be. What do you think? Would/should Joe Biden run in 2016?
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Joe Biden Hints at 2016 Presidential Run