Tag Archives: liberty

Rand Paul Responds to President Obama


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By Matt Hawes http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UrrV_Txg47Q Click here for a transcript. Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Campaign For Liberty Blog Discovery Date : 30/03/2011 05:22 Number of articles : 2

Rand Paul Responds to President Obama

The Ben Bernanke Shuffle


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By Tim Shoemaker Last week, Matt Hawes wrote about the Federal Reserve’s announcement of quarterly press conferences and the opening up of the NY Fed’s blog, Liberty Street Economics . Does this mean the Fed is embracing transparency? Don’t count on it, says Robert Murphy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NasK9Jw71r4 The Fed’s feeling the pressure. Now let’s continue to turn up the heat on Congress…. Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Campaign For Liberty Blog Discovery Date : 28/03/2011 22:37 Number of articles : 2

The Ben Bernanke Shuffle

Grammys Winners 2011: A Complete List Of Winners In The R&B and Rap Categories

Just in case you missed the big show last night we’ve taken the liberty of supplying a list of notable winners of this years prestigious award.

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Grammys Winners 2011: A Complete List Of Winners In The R&B and Rap Categories

Nicki Minaj Goes Incognegro In Miami

Onika Maraj tried to cover up and hide out from the paps while in Miami. Nice to see her in some normal clothes for a change. Pacific Coast News

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Nicki Minaj Goes Incognegro In Miami

Catching Fade At The Liberty Bowl: UCF Player Punches UGA Player After Big Win

Talk about adding insult to injury. An unidentified University of Central Florida player put a jab in to the face guard of a University of Georgia player immediately following the UCF victory over UGA in the 2010 Liberty Bowl. We’ll never understand football fight on the field where players wearing helmet punch each other, why not just catch ol boy in the locker room (pause) afterwards. Just sayin….

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Catching Fade At The Liberty Bowl: UCF Player Punches UGA Player After Big Win

Rupert Murdoch’s New York Post Twisting Words of Julian Assange’s Son Daniel Assange

Looks like producers for Dr. Phil and Montel might be waiting awhile if they think they have a celebrity dad-hating story in the making. Rupert Murdoch’s New York Post seemed to have obtained a scoop yesterday rising to the level of Dr. Evil/Scott Evil proportions, excerpting a FaceBook quote from Daniel Assange, 20, that appeared on its face to fuel the growing personal attacks against his father, embattled WikiLeaks founder and director, Julian Assange: WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange’s own son thinks he’s a nightmare when it comes to women. “That man does have a way of making a lot of female enemies,” Daniel Assange, 21, said about his embattled dad. Daniel made the Facebook posting after two Swedish women came forward with allegations that led to rape and molestation charges against his dad. Daniel also wondered about his father’s claim that the accusations were part of a Pentagon “smear campaign.” “Interesting to see whether this is the result of a government plot or personal grudges,” he wrote. But later on Friday, Daniel, under the moniker Somnidea on a website called The Sleepy Lammata lashed out at the newspaper, calling the story “godawful sensational tripe”: I’d just like to note here that the comments in question were very tongue-in-cheek and never intended to be made public like this, much less support the conclusions of the article. The NYP did not interview me or otherwise attain my consent in any way for their publication. I have much respect for my father and his cause, and these ridiculously ill-handled allegations of sexual abuse serve only to distract from the audacious awesomeness that he has actually done. added by: toyotabedzrock

The Billionaires Bankrolling the Tea Party

There’s just one element missing from these snapshots of America’s ostensibly spontaneous and leaderless populist uprising: the sugar daddies who are bankrolling it, and have been doing so since well before the “death panel” warm-up acts of last summer. Three heavy hitters rule. You’ve heard of one of them, Rupert Murdoch. The other two, the brothers David and Charles Koch, are even richer, with a combined wealth exceeded only by that of Bill Gates and Warren Buffett among Americans. But even those carrying the Kochs’ banner may not know who these brothers are. Their self-interested and at times radical agendas, like Murdoch’s, go well beyond, and sometimes counter to, the interests of those who serve as spear carriers in the political pageants hawked on Fox News. The country will be in for quite a ride should these potentates gain power, and given the recession-battered electorate’s unchecked anger and the Obama White House’s unfocused political strategy, they might. All three tycoons are the latest incarnation of what the historian Kim Phillips-Fein labeled “Invisible Hands” in her prescient 2009 book of that title: those corporate players who have financed the far right ever since the du Pont brothers spawned the American Liberty League in 1934 to bring down F.D.R. You can draw a straight line from the Liberty League’s crusade against the New Deal “socialism” of Social Security, the Securities and Exchange Commission and child labor laws to the John Birch Society-Barry Goldwater assault on J.F.K. and Medicare to the Koch-Murdoch-backed juggernaut against our “socialist” president. added by: Conniepae

Watch The Secret Life of the American Teenager Season 3 Episode 11 – Lady Liberty

Watch The Secret Life of the American Teenager S3E11: Lady Liberty The latest installment of The Secret Life Of The American Teenager which is entitled “Lady Liberty” is the teen TV show’s 11th episode of the 3rd season that aired last 08/16 /2010 Monday at 8:00 PM on ABC Family. Watch The Secret Life of the American Teenager 3×11(03011)

David Nolan, Alex Snitker & AJ Arias On The Liberty Solution Radio 6/9/2010

6/9/2010 An introduction to Freedom ideals with co-hosts Amanda Owens & Mike Shanklin. Guests tonight include the co-Founder of the Libertarian Party David Nolan, Florida Senate Candidate Alex Snitker, and Liberty activist and author AJ Arias. Every Wednesday 10pm-12am, Call-in 347-633-9636 Thanks for listening to PFP Movement Radio by http://www.peacefreedomprosperity.com http://www.peacefreedomprosperity.com/?p=3567 added by: shanklinmike

David Copperfield Rape Lawsuit Vanishes

The assault lawsuit against David Copperfield has made like the Statue of Liberty and disappeared. A woman who accused the star illusionist of tricking her into visiting his island in…

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David Copperfield Rape Lawsuit Vanishes