Tag Archives: lick-the-sea

Alessandra Ambrosio in an Artistic Bikini for Instagram of the Day

Alessandra Ambrosio is getting all artistic in her bikini selfies for instagram….running them through filters hard even though they are hardly selfies but rather over produced nonsense shot by what is probably professional photographer fans and run through the team at Victoria’s Secret quality control department before posting it – because she is owned by them and everything you see in social media is a fucking lie….a lie designed for fans to feel like they can connect with her on whatever level this is…. I just think it’s too bad she cropped out her pussy definition, which happens to be my favorite part of any bikini….

Excerpt from:
Alessandra Ambrosio in an Artistic Bikini for Instagram of the Day

Anastasia Ashley for PopDat Culture of the Day

Pro surfer Anastasia Ashley is pretty okay to look at, but way more interesting to jerk off to, whether in bikini bottoms or shorts, surfing, or just posing, I am down to lick the sea salt off her entire body… She’s rocking’ her POPDAT CULTURE TRILL CLINTON SHIRT and I may or may not be in love…but you sure as hell should be… GET ONE OF THESE SHIRTS

Go here to read the rest:
Anastasia Ashley for PopDat Culture of the Day