Tag Archives: like-desperate

Gigi Hadid’s Big Dopey Head and Inner Thighs of the Day

Gigi Hadid wants you to look at her inner thighs, she’s been starving herself all year to get them to the level of acceptable for a model, even though this is the era of the fat model, no girl wants to be fat, except fat chicks…it’s her only hope faking it, it also distracts people from her weird arab bobble head… Seriously, the most celebrated model, with no business being a model, but is hired as a model thanks to smart marketing and a social media audience, is just a teen dream of a vapid cunt in a vapid cunt family…and it worked…depsite having a really large weird monster head… Here’s her sister in a see through shirt, with a see through bra, showing some nipple….because she’s in the shadow of the bobble head and trying to shine through as her own “model”..or “celebrity”…with no marketable skill, I mean except her tits…because the tits are good, even if what they are attached to is a pile of very expensive shit. The post Gigi Hadid’s Big Dopey Head and Inner Thighs of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Gigi Hadid’s Big Dopey Head and Inner Thighs of the Day

Selena Gomez Paris Fashion Week Skin of the Day

It’s Selena Gomez against the clock. Dying of LUPUS. Getting CHEMO to treat that LUPUS. Pretty much not debilitating her from going to all the parties she wanted to go to. She’s like a Make a Wish Foundation bald headed kid at Disney pre-death riding every fucking ride because she knows this may be her last. Which makes sense because of that whole terminal illness managed by CHEMO thing…. So she’s out there, dressing aggressively sexy, working it for the paparazzi, because she knows Taylor Swift is pregnant and this is her window of opportunity to make her move and solidify herself in the industry using all those Disney taught skills… Not because she’s not famous, but because she’s not Taylor Swift, and that is where she wants to be, because it’s money, glory and everything…and when you’re on that timeline, you know with that CHEMO that doesn’t make you lose your hair, because it’s such a small dose…you fucking work it…as cheesy as you can….and I’m ok with it…because of hard nipples, ass pics, I don’t care the quality, just that they happened…it’s like a baseline of how desperate a bitch is, and I like desperate….especially when it is fighting for it’s life…dying… TO SEE MORE SELENA GOMEZ DRESSED SLUTTY IN PARIS CLICK HERE AND EVEN MORE MORE SELENA GOMEZ DRESSED SLUTTY IN PARIS (WITH PANTY FLASH) HERE The post Selena Gomez Paris Fashion Week Skin of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Selena Gomez Paris Fashion Week Skin of the Day