Tag Archives: like-revisiting

Rose McGowan’s Hot Instagram Bikini Pic of the Day

Rose McGowan is one of the more interesting people to follow on Facebook. She’s pretty fucking active. She posts interesting stuff. She’s all around a cool girl to anyone who was in their 20s during the 90s. She’s like a little bit punk rock…a little bit gothic…a whole lot of awesome, opinionated, edgy, and most importantly busty. It’s the kind of girl who seems to read, seems to think, and who posts selfies for the sake of letting us know she’s also someone you’d want to have sex with. I just think she’ got a cool dynamic, even though I don’t care for old chicks, but after spending time with 20 year olds, really dumb, mindless 20 year olds…addicted to their phones and Jimmy Fallon 20 year olds…I am far more drawn to a hot old chick with substance…like Rose McGowan…but maybe I’m just into it cuz I masturbated to her tits in 1996. Either way, this pic killed the selfie bikini game this week on social media…kind of like how I want Rose McGowan to kill my face with her genitals.

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Rose McGowan’s Hot Instagram Bikini Pic of the Day

Rosie Huntington Whitely and Abbey Lee Kershaw in the Max Max Trailer of the Day

So Mad Max is back. this is the trailer that was released at Comic Con. They aren’t paying me to promote this bullshit I will never see, even if the original is what created Mel Gibson. I just don’t care about a world with no Water. I saw Tank Girl….that was enough for me…I also don’t like revisiting things from my youth. I figure it’s like let this shit die off in history like it should…but maybe I just don’t like Sci-fi…. I do like models and there’s one frame with Rosie Huntington Whitely and Abbey Lee Kershaw’s hard nipples. I feel like that’s the highlight of the movie. Elvis’ granddaughter, Lenny Kravitz’s daughter and Charlize Theron are also in it. Garbage…but it is cool enough and well…model nipples…

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Rosie Huntington Whitely and Abbey Lee Kershaw in the Max Max Trailer of the Day

Rosie Huntington Whitely and Abbey Lee Kershaw in the Max Max Trailer of the Day

So Mad Max is back. this is the trailer that was released at Comic Con. They aren’t paying me to promote this bullshit I will never see, even if the original is what created Mel Gibson. I just don’t care about a world with no Water. I saw Tank Girl….that was enough for me…I also don’t like revisiting things from my youth. I figure it’s like let this shit die off in history like it should…but maybe I just don’t like Sci-fi…. I do like models and there’s one frame with Rosie Huntington Whitely and Abbey Lee Kershaw’s hard nipples. I feel like that’s the highlight of the movie. Elvis’ granddaughter, Lenny Kravitz’s daughter and Charlize Theron are also in it. Garbage…but it is cool enough and well…model nipples…

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Rosie Huntington Whitely and Abbey Lee Kershaw in the Max Max Trailer of the Day

Cameron Diaz for Esquire by Terry Richardson Revisited of the Day

I already posted most of these pics of CAMERON DIAZ FOR ESQUIRE HALF NAKED IN FETISH GEAR because I am amazing at the internet… But I figured I’d post the versions of the pics that the photographer of the shoot put up on his own site TERRYSDIARY ….cuz I guess these ones are his famous….but more importanly cuz I like revisiting shit that confuses me, as much as it turns me on, cuz she looks awesome….even though I know she’s not all that awesome for the most part….but she made the right choices…like not making babies….and possibly getting little implants….

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Cameron Diaz for Esquire by Terry Richardson Revisited of the Day