This should be enough reason to never crave growing old with a bitch cuz when they grow old they become disgusting….because lets face it as long as there’s a pussy, dried up, atrophic, infertile and menopausal or not, there’s still a fucking pussy…and really not worrying about pregnancy, the friction of dry lip, the grey pubic hair and loosened collagen making a war torn eastern europe she escaped relived in her panties can be a little exhilerating to have every once in a while, especially if it bakes you cookis like the granny you never head… Seriously, look at her thigh, if that looks like that, I can’t imagine what she’s hiding in her boxy bodied bikini bottoms…but I’m sure it’s a lot like a science experiment gone wrong…. The idea of waking up next to this on a regular basis…scares me…even if she pays a decent salary…I mean the taste, smells and visuals she comes with are a fucking nightmare…. So here’s Ivana Trump, an ex model, richer than fucking God, and still looking like a bloated, melting disaster….and me proving that I have no standards….something I’ve done countless times before… Let’s hope she does Playboy cuz I’m in love…or maybe I just want her to put on a snowsuit…you know get back to her pro skiing roots…I’m so confused by this…I hate you internet..
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Ivana Trump Old Lady Bikini Pictures of the Day