Tag Archives: enough-reason

Madison Beer’s Wild and Crazy Outfit of the Day

Madison Beer went to the Brit Awards because her manipulation of the media has reached pop culture success. She has poked a hole in the condom that is celebrity and implanted herself in the womb….to grow into the star her mom always wanted her to be…. She was a youtuber, who wasn’t even a very good Youtuber, but there were followers…pervert followers…and she was able to get a record deal, use that record deal to get in the paparazzi and now she’s at international events where people I guess listen to her music and don’t know any better…cuz they just see it is popular on youtube… Legends don’t need talent. They just need views… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Madison Beer’s Wild and Crazy Outfit of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Madison Beer’s Wild and Crazy Outfit of the Day

Peyton Roi List in Fetish Gear of the Day

Peyton Roi List, whoever the fuck that is….I’ve posted her before, which means that she exists and that I am current on who exists, but that doesn’t mean I know who the fuck she is or what the fuck she does…because I don’t…but she is in some kind of latex looking fetish gear….and that is enough reason to promote her…on this very important site. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Peyton Roi List in Fetish Gear of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Peyton Roi List in Fetish Gear of the Day

Emma Roberts Skinny Ass in Shorts of the Day

Emma Roberts has a nice skinny ass in a world where not enough girls have nice skinny asses because skinny asses aren’t celebrated anymore, not even cute skinny asses with some shape…and all these sluts want monster asses….even though monster asses are gross….but Emma Roberts brings us hope of a better tomorrow…. Thanks to her I still believe that there are girls out there who insist on being skinny, who still starve themselves and workout as much and as hard as they can….because they know that being fat is disgusting, we just don’t hear a lot from them, because they are either too weak or tired to speak up, or too happen in how good they look, or being overpowered by the body positive fat chicks…. I guess what guys are forgetting is how little round asses make your dicks look bigger when you fuck them, which should be enough reason to want to get involved in that skinny girl world…instead of this fertility, high estrogren and cholesterol shit we’re constantly exposed to…. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE She also wore a white shirt… To see more pics of her in a white shirt – shopping – CLICK HERE The post Emma Roberts Skinny Ass in Shorts of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Emma Roberts Skinny Ass in Shorts of the Day

Scarlett Johansson in Leather Leggings of the Day

Scarlett Johansson wore leather pants, and despite not being a Scarlett Johansson fan…I find her dumpy, uninteresting, not even that hot or beautiful…and really not a great actress or really interesting personality at all…you know someone who just kind of faked it to the top…and stayed there for awhile playing the exact same person over and over again…only to get married twice, knocked up once… But for some reason, I reason I call unbreathable fabrics…and new mom vagina secretions…I am fascinated as to what these pants smell like…and that is enough reason for me to post the pic…because her mom ass, on it’s on…definitely is not… The post Scarlett Johansson in Leather Leggings of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Scarlett Johansson in Leather Leggings of the Day

Cobie Smulders Topless in Women’s Health of the Day

Cobie Smulders is from Avengers… Cobie Smulders is topless in some shitty magazine called Women’s Health…because there is no health without toplessness… I don’t really consider this topless, because I can’t figure out what shape or size or color her nipples are…and she might as well be wearing a fucking shirt, in fact, she should put on a fucking shirt, she’s offending me by trying to generate some hits with topless implied pics..it’s a shit or get off the pot situation…this is the internet generation, and if you’re not going to free the fucking nipple stop fronting like you are trick. That said, the fact she’s in Avengers is enough reason to post her, because I assume anyone who goes on sites like this is going to be into anything comic book nerd related….it takes that level of social awkwardness to even bother with news stories like this..you fucking virgin loser…who I’ve dedicated my life to catering to you with… The post Cobie Smulders Topless in Women’s Health of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Cobie Smulders Topless in Women’s Health of the Day

The Behati Prinsloo Sizzle Reel of the Day

Behati Prinsloo doesn’t exist to me, not because I’ve never met her or any of the other famous hookers I would fuck, but prefer to hate on the site, because I don’t think they deserve the praise or money they get…you know like I was that Elliott Rodgers loser, only I actually get laid…because there’s always a willing bitch when you have no standards… I just see hotter girls than these models all the time, who don’t have the same ego, or entitlement, who aren’t living the life and who aren’t egotistical snobs who have been given everything they ever wanted with little to no work… Behati Prinsloo doesn’t exist to me because Adam Levine cums in her…and she allows it..like it’s not a rape situation, but rather a retirement plan, child support situation and I don’t care how big his dick or wallet is…his music is enough reason for him to die alone, shunned by society for being the fucking worst… Here’s some sizzle reel I guess one of her fans made…weird.

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The Behati Prinsloo Sizzle Reel of the Day

Paz De La Huerta’s Ridiculous Collection of Nudes of the Day

Maybe Christmas isn’t over yet afterall….Maybe the lesson of Christmas is that it is something we should feel everyday….You know something that really reminds us to appreciate shitty gifts, annoying family, and goodwill to all men….because I love seeing Paz dela Huerta nude pics…even if there are so many of them out there….because there’s just something about Paz dela Huerta…mainly the fact she gets naked….coupled with her dirty hipster on drugs hustle….and her bush that just makes me wish I was the mistle toe haing off her xmas bush…. No idea when these pics were taken, they are from a video, email me the video becuase I just know they are magic….mainly cuz I can see her asshole…

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Paz De La Huerta’s Ridiculous Collection of Nudes of the Day

Katy Perry’s Possible Christmas Bikini Pictures of the Day

I have no idea if this is actually Katy Perry or not….or if thse pics are recent or not…I just now that the bitch in them has a sloppy set of fat titties and she is in a bikini and that is enough reason to look at them…because a sloppy body…an annoying face….a horrible music career and act…and a retard in interviews doesn’t matter when shit’s half naked…it kinda brings it all down to a happy place, but that may just be the rum talking….but I think it’s just her tits doing their fucking job…. To See The Rest of the Pics FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Katy Perry’s Possible Christmas Bikini Pictures of the Day

Ivana Trump Old Lady Bikini Pictures of the Day

This should be enough reason to never crave growing old with a bitch cuz when they grow old they become disgusting….because lets face it as long as there’s a pussy, dried up, atrophic, infertile and menopausal or not, there’s still a fucking pussy…and really not worrying about pregnancy, the friction of dry lip, the grey pubic hair and loosened collagen making a war torn eastern europe she escaped relived in her panties can be a little exhilerating to have every once in a while, especially if it bakes you cookis like the granny you never head… Seriously, look at her thigh, if that looks like that, I can’t imagine what she’s hiding in her boxy bodied bikini bottoms…but I’m sure it’s a lot like a science experiment gone wrong…. The idea of waking up next to this on a regular basis…scares me…even if she pays a decent salary…I mean the taste, smells and visuals she comes with are a fucking nightmare…. So here’s Ivana Trump, an ex model, richer than fucking God, and still looking like a bloated, melting disaster….and me proving that I have no standards….something I’ve done countless times before… Let’s hope she does Playboy cuz I’m in love…or maybe I just want her to put on a snowsuit…you know get back to her pro skiing roots…I’m so confused by this…I hate you internet..

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Ivana Trump Old Lady Bikini Pictures of the Day

Hot Tits That Rap of the Day

The biggest issue with this motherfucker and his raps is not how uneducated he sounds for someone from a first nation like the USA, it’s his fucking size and not so much the size of his guy, but the size of his tits. Seriously, my wife is built like this, they have the same bra size and I think that’s enough reason for you to understand why I hate fucking the bitch even when I’m hate fucking the bitch, because when you get too fat you become this half man, half woman ball of fucking shit…and when it comes to obscure rap, I’m much more into my South African than my South African American..here’s the video proof…

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Hot Tits That Rap of the Day