Tag Archives: annoying-face

Paz De La Huerta’s Ridiculous Collection of Nudes of the Day

Maybe Christmas isn’t over yet afterall….Maybe the lesson of Christmas is that it is something we should feel everyday….You know something that really reminds us to appreciate shitty gifts, annoying family, and goodwill to all men….because I love seeing Paz dela Huerta nude pics…even if there are so many of them out there….because there’s just something about Paz dela Huerta…mainly the fact she gets naked….coupled with her dirty hipster on drugs hustle….and her bush that just makes me wish I was the mistle toe haing off her xmas bush…. No idea when these pics were taken, they are from a video, email me the video becuase I just know they are magic….mainly cuz I can see her asshole…

See the rest here:
Paz De La Huerta’s Ridiculous Collection of Nudes of the Day

Katy Perry’s Possible Christmas Bikini Pictures of the Day

I have no idea if this is actually Katy Perry or not….or if thse pics are recent or not…I just now that the bitch in them has a sloppy set of fat titties and she is in a bikini and that is enough reason to look at them…because a sloppy body…an annoying face….a horrible music career and act…and a retard in interviews doesn’t matter when shit’s half naked…it kinda brings it all down to a happy place, but that may just be the rum talking….but I think it’s just her tits doing their fucking job…. To See The Rest of the Pics FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Katy Perry’s Possible Christmas Bikini Pictures of the Day

Miranda Kerr’s Naked Ass in Some Magazine of the Day

I don’t know what magazine this is from, I just know that it’s supposed to be from October, which means it is new enough for me to put up here and not get the Miranda Kerr weirdo fans man cuz they’ve already seen this shit, jerked off to the shit and pretended to marry the shit, not that a bare supermodel ass should ever get anyone angry, except for maybe fat chicks, but they get mad about everything cuz they hate their fat lives and no matter how hard they try to eat their way happy….they just never quite get there… Here are some hot amateur style goodness…

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Miranda Kerr’s Naked Ass in Some Magazine of the Day

Katy Perry’s Tits do Sesame Street of the Day

I fucking hate Katy Perry, but she brought her tits to Sesame Street where she chased Elmo around cuz even muppets are scared of her monster-lookin face…. She irritates me on all fucking levels, but I just wish the same laws about exposing penis to kids applied to showing off your tits to the kids of the world….so that her and her sloppy body and annoying face land in jail so she can stop irritating us with her bad music and stupid bullshit act….Her ruining the youth has got to be some kind of crime…. On a sad note, Russell Brand was arrested for defending her honor for beating an immigrant paparazzi who took pictures up her skirt….but that’s not the sad part, the sad part is that she didn’t die in the cross fire….

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Katy Perry’s Tits do Sesame Street of the Day