Tag Archives: stained-couch

Emma Roberts Skinny Ass in Shorts of the Day

Emma Roberts has a nice skinny ass in a world where not enough girls have nice skinny asses because skinny asses aren’t celebrated anymore, not even cute skinny asses with some shape…and all these sluts want monster asses….even though monster asses are gross….but Emma Roberts brings us hope of a better tomorrow…. Thanks to her I still believe that there are girls out there who insist on being skinny, who still starve themselves and workout as much and as hard as they can….because they know that being fat is disgusting, we just don’t hear a lot from them, because they are either too weak or tired to speak up, or too happen in how good they look, or being overpowered by the body positive fat chicks…. I guess what guys are forgetting is how little round asses make your dicks look bigger when you fuck them, which should be enough reason to want to get involved in that skinny girl world…instead of this fertility, high estrogren and cholesterol shit we’re constantly exposed to…. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE She also wore a white shirt… To see more pics of her in a white shirt – shopping – CLICK HERE The post Emma Roberts Skinny Ass in Shorts of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Emma Roberts Skinny Ass in Shorts of the Day

Leven Rambin Parrack in a Swimsuit of the Day

Leven Rambin Parrack is a soap star, or a child star, or a child soap star who I would assume very few people actually know of, but then I remember that you’re all a bunch of unemployed weirdos on disability checks who sit at home all day watching daytime TV…and jerking off to the 13 year old Leven Rambin Parrack they cast in their ridiculous, designed for real fucking low level people, trash…because you just have nothing better to do, and that’s just the kind of guy you are… She’s apparently on some other show or movie now, but I could be in the same room as her, and I probably have, and didn’t notice her, but if she was in a bathing suit posing like this, all fame-whore stanced…I’d be into it, because I am into it, she’s just not letting me get into it…because she’s not that kind of girl…you know a gutter street hooker I can afford… The post Leven Rambin Parrack in a Swimsuit of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Leven Rambin Parrack in a Swimsuit of the Day

Haley Joel Osment Titties of the Day

No one likes my joke that Haley Joel Osment is his now more successful, despite not being Oscar nominated, but still working, sister…. No one thinks a good tranny to get famous like Bruce Jenner idea which would make sense, a rich 18 year old gets no castings, what’s a boy to do after tasting that fame and feeling really talented in the space, left to his own devices…he gets breast implants, grows his hair, tucks his dick and reinvents his goddamn self….it makes perfect sense…especially since this one flaunts them tits every chance she gets…. It’s probably because no one reads anything I write….although, I did match with a tranny on tinder last night and I kept asking about IT’s uterus…which apparently upset the tranny knowing he’ll never have a uterus….it was pretty good times….without having to leave the comfort of my own pissed stained couch… The post Haley Joel Osment Titties of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Haley Joel Osment Titties of the Day

Miranda Kerr’s Ass in a Bikini of the Day

She’s a fucking bikini model, I don’t see how seeing her in a bikini in her spare time is supposed to be fucking exciting, it’d be like if someone posted pictures of me sitting naked on my stained couch on my shitty computer typing and except in my case, no one would know who I was, and I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t be jerking off to me, so maybe a better example would be a stripper taking off her shirt at an afterhours club while jacked on MDMA, it’s just expected behavior, despite how nice it may be, it’s not worth celebrating because when dealing with a slut, you’re dealing with a fucking slut, ya know….Here are the pics of her and Orlando Bloom cuz they are both Australian so it made sense to date, they understand each other’s white trash mentality. Pics via INF

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Miranda Kerr’s Ass in a Bikini of the Day