Tag Archives: better-example

5 Other Necessary Mad Men Tumblrs

Finally, internet memes even a lout like Roger Sterling can get behind. We’ve mentioned Sad Don Draper and Pete Campbell’s Bitchface , two Tumblr accounts devoted to capturing the hilarity of certain Mad Men screenshots, captioning them, and sometimes photoshopping them to reference pop culture. But there’s still a slew of Mad Men characters waiting for their chance at viral glory, and we’ve got five in mind for those who care to develop these sorts of things, along with three scenes each to get them started.

Go here to see the original:
5 Other Necessary Mad Men Tumblrs

Tim and Eric’s Awesome Show of Support to Their Sponsors

Miranda Kerr’s Ass in a Bikini of the Day

She’s a fucking bikini model, I don’t see how seeing her in a bikini in her spare time is supposed to be fucking exciting, it’d be like if someone posted pictures of me sitting naked on my stained couch on my shitty computer typing and except in my case, no one would know who I was, and I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t be jerking off to me, so maybe a better example would be a stripper taking off her shirt at an afterhours club while jacked on MDMA, it’s just expected behavior, despite how nice it may be, it’s not worth celebrating because when dealing with a slut, you’re dealing with a fucking slut, ya know….Here are the pics of her and Orlando Bloom cuz they are both Australian so it made sense to date, they understand each other’s white trash mentality. Pics via INF

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Miranda Kerr’s Ass in a Bikini of the Day