Tag Archives: roger-sterling

Matthew Weiner Reveals How Mad Men Will End (No, Really)

As you’ve probably learned from AMC’s aggressive, multi-media “End of an Era” campaign (Hey, it is a show about advertising, after all.) the final episodes of Mad Men will begin airing on Sunday, April 5. The TV spots and banner ads may be a tad dramatic (as advertisements generally are), but the conclusion of the show that made AMC an original programming juggernaut does mark the end of an era in more ways than one. For one thing, Don Draper is following Tony Soprano, Walter White, and Dexter Morgan out the door, and who will replace him as TV’s most effed-up anti-hero? (As much as we love him, Saul Goodman/Jimmy McGill doesn’t seem quite up to the task. He’s just to…lovable.) But when Don stubs out his final cigarette, it’s not just the Age of the Brooding White Guy that will come to a close.   The final seven episodes of Mad Men will likely explore the end of the 1960s, the end of a corporate world that’s dominated entirely by men like Don, and the end of what many consider to be the golden age of media and advertising. It’s a lot to take on, and based on comments he made almost four years ago, creator Matthew Weiner intends to wrap things up not with a bang, but with a massive jump forward in time: “What I’m looking for, and how I hope to end the show, is like … It’s 2011,” Weiner said. “Don Draper would be 84 right now. I want to leave the show in a place where you have an idea of what it meant and how it’s related to you.” Needless to say, it sounds as though Weiner is planning the exact opposite of a Sopranos-style non-ending. (Perhaps he learned his lesson from his time as a staff writer on the HBO mob series.) If he carries through on his plan, it’ll certainly be a shock to see Don Draper – the consummate man of his times – living in the 21st Century. Can you imagine Don/Dick receiving an-Emoji-laden text message from his grandkids? We can’t. But then, maybe that’s the point… If you still need to catch up in time for tonight’s finale, watch Mad Men online at TV Fanatic. And if – like the show’s central characters – you’ve blacked out on any of the major events, check out some of Mad Men’s most memorable moments in the gallery below: 9 Memorable Mad Men Moments 1. Lane Price and Pete Campbell Fight View Photo Lane and Pete go at it. Lane won the fight but this season, um…didn’t end well for him. 2. The Sterling-Cooper Lawnmower Incident View Photo A tragic mishap in the Sterling-Cooper offices. Well, tragically hilarious, anyway. 3. Betty Draper Shooting Pigeons View Photo Betty took her frustrations out on some neighborhood birds. She became a somewhat character in seasons since. 4. Kiernan Shipka as Sally Draper View Photo Don’s daughter has had too many memorable moments to choose just one. It’s been a pleasure watching her grow into a sassy teenager. Advertisement A message from our sponsor. 5. Mad Men: JFK Assassination Scene View Photo Mad Men memorably tackled a day that brought the nation to its knees. Just one of many historical events the series has vividly brought to life. 6. Don Draper Hits Rock Bottom View Photo Don was a drunken mess for most of season four. He drinks a lot, but now he manages to do his job…for the most part. 7. Peggy Olson Smokes Weed View Photo Elisabeth Moss puts her foot down as Peggy Olson. That girl really wanted to get high. 8. Roger Sterling: Drunk For Pearl Harbor Day View Photo Every day is an occasion to drink for Roger Sterling. Though he got especially plastered (and bigoted) on Pearl Harbor Day. Advertisement A message from our sponsor. 9. Don Draper Crying View Photo Don broke down and showed his human side after learning about the death of a friend. We’re sure the final season will hold many more emotional moments for Don. The End. Up Next: ” 9 Memorable Mad Men Moments .” We’ll be redirecting you shortly…

Read more:
Matthew Weiner Reveals How Mad Men Will End (No, Really)

Mad Men Season 7B Trailer Released: The Sweetest Hangover

Last week, AMC released the first photos from Mad Men’s final episodes , and naturally, they gave away no clues as to what to expect come April. Sure, we learned that Don will continue to sport impeccably tailored menswear and guzzle Canadian Club while the sun’s still out, but we kinda figured that would be the case. Otherwise, humanity as we know it would have come to a screeching halt during filming. Today, the first trailer for Mad Men season 7B (Ugh, enough with the split seasons, AMC!) hit the web, and in a very un-Matthew-Weiner-like move, it seems the show’s creator has actually deigned to offer some hints as to what may be in store for the folks at Sterling, Cooper, Draper, Price, Cutler, Gleason, Chough, Dewey, Cheatem & Howe: Mad Men Season 7B Trailer First, there’s the choice of music. The song is “Love Hangover” by Diana Ross, and in addition to the fact that it’s probably being in Weiner’s back pocket since day one (Could there be more Draper-appropriate lyrics?), it’s significant the single was released in 1976. Mad Men’s final episodes were expected to take place in 1969, and while the show has used anachronistic music in the past (The Decemberists weren’t around in the Kennedy years, we looked it up.), many are theorizing that the use of such a quintessentially ’70s tune may indicate a time jump. Other noteworthy details: Megan’s stomach is incredibly taut. Expect a subplot where she invents Activia. Sterling has finally made a concession to the style of the era and grown his hair out a bit. His over-sexed smugness, however, remains unchanged. Speaking of coifs, Pete’s hairline continues its slow march toward the back of his neck, because he’s a terrible person, and that’s what happens to terrible people. Of course, the big question that remains is: Will Don continue to hit the skids (and the bottle), or steam roll into the Feel Good Decade with a wacky pitch about an emotional Native American who hates litter? We won’t find out until April 5, but until then, you can watch Mad Men online at TV Fanatic to stave off the DTs. And don’t forget to check out Mad Men’s most memorable moments in the gallery below: 9 Memorable Mad Men Moments 1. Lane Price and Pete Campbell Fight View Photo Lane and Pete go at it. Lane won the fight but this season, um…didn’t end well for him. 2. The Sterling-Cooper Lawnmower Incident View Photo A tragic mishap in the Sterling-Cooper offices. Well, tragically hilarious, anyway. 3. Betty Draper Shooting Pigeons View Photo Betty took her frustrations out on some neighborhood birds. She became a somewhat character in seasons since. 4. Kiernan Shipka as Sally Draper View Photo Don’s daughter has had too many memorable moments to choose just one. It’s been a pleasure watching her grow into a sassy teenager. Advertisement A message from our sponsor. 5. Mad Men: JFK Assassination Scene View Photo Mad Men memorably tackled a day that brought the nation to its knees. Just one of many historical events the series has vividly brought to life. 6. Don Draper Hits Rock Bottom View Photo Don was a drunken mess for most of season four. He drinks a lot, but now he manages to do his job…for the most part. 7. Peggy Olson Smokes Weed View Photo Elisabeth Moss puts her foot down as Peggy Olson. That girl really wanted to get high. 8. Roger Sterling: Drunk For Pearl Harbor Day View Photo Every day is an occasion to drink for Roger Sterling. Though he got especially plastered (and bigoted) on Pearl Harbor Day. Advertisement A message from our sponsor. 9. Don Draper Crying View Photo Don broke down and showed his human side after learning about the death of a friend. We’re sure the final season will hold many more emotional moments for Don. The End. Did you like 9 Memorable Mad Men Moments? If so, please share: Share on Facebook Tweet on Twitter Email a Friend Pin on Pinterest Want more? Get more content like this delivered to your inbox for FREE:

Read more from the original source:
Mad Men Season 7B Trailer Released: The Sweetest Hangover

5 Other Necessary Mad Men Tumblrs

Finally, internet memes even a lout like Roger Sterling can get behind. We’ve mentioned Sad Don Draper and Pete Campbell’s Bitchface , two Tumblr accounts devoted to capturing the hilarity of certain Mad Men screenshots, captioning them, and sometimes photoshopping them to reference pop culture. But there’s still a slew of Mad Men characters waiting for their chance at viral glory, and we’ve got five in mind for those who care to develop these sorts of things, along with three scenes each to get them started.

Go here to see the original:
5 Other Necessary Mad Men Tumblrs

Pot, Pubes, and Promiscuity: 6 OMG Moments Miley Cyrus Will Have in LOL

If you’re a teen singer who wants to act, how do you get people to pay attention? If you’re Justin Bieber on CSI , you kill somebody but leave behind a very incriminating trail of DNA evidence — or, if you’re Miley Cyrus in her new film LOL , you flash someone your Brazilian wax.

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Pot, Pubes, and Promiscuity: 6 OMG Moments Miley Cyrus Will Have in LOL

Scenes From An Aftermath: 9 Great Reaction Shots From Roger Sterling’s Anti-Japan Tirade

I’m sure there’s something else relatively interesting happening around the culture today, but just one more thing about John Slattery’s performance in last night’s episode of Mad Men . Sure, his Roger Sterling confused us with arcane references and alienated us with virulent, WWII -fueled hatred of the Japanese — with whom he refused to work on a Honda account and whom he insulted with all the grace and class of scorched earth. We laughed, we cried, we mostly gaped –and so did everyone in the show. After the jump, a cross-section of mortification.

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Scenes From An Aftermath: 9 Great Reaction Shots From Roger Sterling’s Anti-Japan Tirade

Showrunner Drama Threatens Diane Keaton’s Blogging Career

HBO has reportedly asked Cynthia Mort to step down as showrunner on Tilda — the dark comedy about a powerful Hollywood blogger — after a disastrous pilot shoot, during which Mort clashed with executive producer/director Bill Condon and star Diane Keaton. Although Condon is allegedly close to choosing a new showrunner, an insider told EW that “development was rushed and the general feeling is the show doesn’t click.” HBO has ordered additional scripts of the could-be series, which also stars Ellen Page and Jason Patric. [ EW ]

Originally posted here:
Showrunner Drama Threatens Diane Keaton’s Blogging Career

Who on Earth is Mad Men’s Mysterious Dr. Lyle Evans?

It was the namedropping heard ’round the Internet on Sunday night: Lost in the dizzying fury of his (first) anti-Japan tirade, Roger Sterling responded to the reminder that WWII was over with the bellowing rejoinder: “Why don’t we just bring Dr. Lyle Evans in here?” That suggestion didn’t make Bert Cooper very happy, baffled Pete, Don and Joanb, and sent a number of viewers straight to Google afterward wondering: “Who the hell is Dr. Lyle Evans, and why does he have these guys so upset?” Finally, it appears the Internet has revealed an answer.

Read the original post:
Who on Earth is Mad Men’s Mysterious Dr. Lyle Evans?

Help Caption an Image From John Slattery’s Sterling Mad Men Directorial Debut