Tag Archives: like-the-judge

Rex Butler says Levi ready to pay child support, will write check within the week.

“The judge decided that Bristol should have child support, which we don’t disagree with,” Butler told the ABC News Law and Justice Unit. “Fortunately, Levi has put this money aside a long time ago. The back support is going to come out to about $10,000 to $13,000, and he’s going to write Bristol a check.” Butler confirmed that Johnston’s saved funds came in part from modeling, particularly a much-publicized spread in Playgirl, but said the most important matter going forward was “whether to seek full custody, split custody or whether Levi will be satisfied with reasonable visitation.” “I think split custody is the best of these,” Butler said. As I said before, the multiple reports that Levi had to pay up $18,500 in back child support were bullshit. Those were based on Van Flein demands of $1,700 a month. It does not look like the judge believed that number was fair. Personally I think the judge kept the amount way too high as it appears she is still asking for excess of $1,ooo per month from Levi. I don’t believe he will have the funds to pay that sum for long, unless he makes a book deal. It seems insane that Palin would push him to do so. (Whoops I almost forgot who I was talking about!) Of course right now Van Flein is happy with this early victory. Thomans Van Flein, attorney for Bristol Palin, told ABC News he and Bristol were pleased with Thursday’s outcome. “Bristol is pleased with the rulings from the court today. While pleased that the judge applied settled Alaska Child Support and Discovery Law in her favor, she is most pleased to have this process moving forward. She anticipates now resolving the few issues remaining between her and Levi.” Yeah you just wait buddy, I am none to sure things are going to turn out the way you anticipate. I really like this parting shot from Rex Butler by the way. When asked about Palin’s upcoming role in the hit show, Butler told ABC News, “We are glad to see that she got some work. This will mean she has some income and will be more independent of her mother, and that’s a good thing . And this could change some things between her and Levi.” Nice.

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Rex Butler says Levi ready to pay child support, will write check within the week.

American Idol Executives Shower Kara DioGuardi with Praise

Fans are split on whether or not Kara DioGuardi’s return to American Idol is a good thing. But show executives are reacting to the news like the judge is the second coming of Simon Cowell.

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American Idol Executives Shower Kara DioGuardi with Praise