Tag Archives: likely-leaked

Miley Cyrus’ Crazy Pants for her Crazy Face of the Day

Miley Cyrus is a clown across the board….It isn’t entirely her fault…she’s been molded at a young age to equate being a dancing monkey brat for the cameras with making serious fucking cash, getting serious fucking fame, and leading to serious fucking slutty before she turned 18 to let people know she matters….until pulling that from us by turning 18 and deciding that dressing like this is better than being 16 and naked in magazines for her dad and all the other peds out there to defend as they jerked off to it….I miss the Miley that was….. To See the Rest of the Pics FOLLOW THIS LINK To See THe More Interesting Pics Proving Miley Cyrus Probably Masturbates While Driving FOLLOW THIS LINK

See the original post here:
Miley Cyrus’ Crazy Pants for her Crazy Face of the Day

Khanyi Mbau Nude Cellphone Pics of the Day

Her name is Khanyi Mbau and she is apparently a South African socialite who calls herself the Queen of bling and likely leaked these nude pics of herself for attention…. It turns out they were shot in september of last year and that they have taken a solid 6 months to get to America….like a cuban on a fucking raft…probably cuz America doesn’t give a fuck about South Africa….except maybe for it’s blood diamonds and now…for it’s queen of bling naked and black…..for Black History Month…. Sidenote, I’m not sure what’s dripping out of her pussy, but since she’s from South Africa it is safe to assume it is AIDS…. TO SEE THE VAGINA PICTURE FOLLOW THIS LINK

Go here to read the rest:
Khanyi Mbau Nude Cellphone Pics of the Day