Tag Archives: liquid-on-its

Kelli Space Has a $189,182.39 Outstanding Student Loan Debt

On her website Kelli Space confesses to having $189,182.39 outstanding in student loans from her undergraduate days at Northeastern University. She set up that site to ask your help in paying the loans off. Space, who's 23, did get a job after she received her bachelor's degree. But she lives with her parents because the monthly nut on the loans is $891. In November 2011, that monthly bill will be $1600 monthly for 20 years, reports Gawker. Space explains the mess she got into as the result of being the first in her family to attend college. Therefore, she was not properly tuned into how much debt to take on and what kind of income she could anticipate earning with a college degree. As of today, the public has pitched in about a $1,951.40 toward retiring Space's debt. Space's ultimate goal is to raise $200K so that makes only $198,048.60 to go. I am quoting the words/views of Kelly on her website Kelli Space “Hi all, While I’m extremely grateful to everyone who’s donated, I fear I’ve misrepresented myself in one way or another, as there have been many misconceptions the past couple of days. I never intended to pass my loans along to someone else and absolve myself of all responsibility. I also never intended to come across as a “beggar.” This website was about putting it out there that I made a mistake, letting people know the extent of the debt burden I’m under because of it that I’m not the only one in this position and asking for help if anyone was so inclined to give it. If not, absolutely fine. If this is what it took to address the issues of student loan practices, I’m happy to have helped get the dialogue going, as obviously I’m an extreme case. My loans are absolutely my cross to bear alone, and I’ve been making regular payments since I began my payment plan. I never intend to default, and since I have such a small chance of declaring bankruptcy, I don’t intend to take that “easy way out” either. I don’t believe my college years were in any way glamorous, though I do realize I chose to give myself an experience that many other people can not and will not experience for themselves. It is MY fault, and mine alone, then, that I am in this debt due to “needing” to attend Northeastern 5 years ago. My gross abuse of finances to pay for my education should not be passed along to anyone else. I do not expect donations from anyone — how could I? There was no way for me to know the kind of response I’d receive. Those who have donated have shown their support and that has encouraged me a great deal. People have provided me with various links, causing me to look deeper into legislation on student loans; people have asked questions to understand student loan situations better; and people have shared their own related issues, and I absolutely feel for them as well. I admire those who have told me they’ve paid off their loans, or those who didn’t take out more than they could handle from the onset. By all means, please donate to any of the many causes out there over me. I’m aware that my issue will remain an issue for some 20 years due to my own poor decision-making, and other immediate causes deserve any amount you can give. Please, do not think I expect anyone’s money, particularly over any other cause. Thank you to everyone who has been open and honest on how they feel. I appreciate all conversation on the topic and, trust me, no one has been harder on me than myself. Thanks again, Kelli “November 24, 2010” ** Link to her page ** http://twohundredthou.com/ added by: KSirys

Beijing Uses Deodorants To Sweeten Foul Smelling Dumps

Beijing is using water cannons to fire smell-busting liquid on its worst-offending landfill sites. Because of the upcoming warmer weather in China’s capital, it caused garbage to rot even faster and leads to a nasty stench in some parts of the city. In one suburban area, workers filled 100 high-pressure hoses with liquid deodorant in order to lessen the awful smell. However, tactic appears to be having mixed results. Some of the local residents complain about the smell. It is still so bad that they are waking up coughing at night. Even they are soundly asleep, they can wake up coughing. Everyone opens their windows in the summer. The deodorant cannons are the inspiration of the Gao’antun Garbage Landfill Plant. After a dousing from the spray, which is made from plant extracts, the garbage is then covered with odor-eating sheets. A machine is also use to extract the gasses from the garbage and later on use them to generate electricity. This process reduces the pollution at the landfill to the lowest level. Beijing Uses Deodorants To Sweeten Foul Smelling Dumps is a post from: Daily World Buzz Continue reading