Tag Archives: liquor-stores

The Side-Eye: Big Bank AIG’s Set To Sue The US Government!!

They’re blaming the Government for “too stringent terms”?!?! And to the tune of $25 billion! Via Gawker : A.I.G., the backbone that runs one inch beneath the surface of the global economy, has gotten itself millions of dollars worth of free PR today by just considering joining a lawsuit against the U.S. government. To sue, or not to sue? To be ungrateful bastards, or to potentially miss a payday? It’s not a complicated question, really. The background, as far as it goes, is that A.I.G. was woven ever so tightly into the fabric of the financial system that when it all came crashing down in 2008, the U.S. government chose to bail the company out to the tune of $182 billion, rather than to let it go bankrupt, pulling down many, many of the little people with it. A classic case of Too Big to Fail. A.I.G. subsequently paid back the bailout, with interest. Now, Hank Greenberg—A.I.G.’s flinty, sour-faced former chairman who’s still the company’s largest shareholder, and who almost certainly sits at home all day stroking his evil cat and counting golden doubloons—is suing the government for $25 billion, claiming that the government’s terms were too stringent. A.I.G. itself is reportedly contemplating whether or not to join this lawsuit, and possibly reap some of those billions. The terms of these deals are complex, and there are fairly high-level financial and legal claims at play. But for A.I.G., the entire decision really comes down to this: Will the money potentially won in the lawsuit outweigh the damage in good will the company will inflict on itself by joining the lawsuit? Because A.I.G. is, of course, fresh off becoming one of the most infamous symbols of greed and outrageously insular corporate conduct (some good background on the company’s various PR outrages during the financial crisis can be found here). Is the possibility of bringing in several billion dollars enough to make up for saying, in effect, “Fuck you” to A) the government legislators and regulators who crafted the company’s bailout package and B) the general public, which suffered without a bailout of any sort while A.I.G. executives reaped bonuses? The moral answer is “no, of course not.” The practical answer is “maybe, depending on how likely you think the revolution really is.” (Unlikely, considering the fact that even at the height of the financial collapse, no A.I.G. executives were lynched by angry mobs.) How likely are Americans to even organize a boycott against such an amorphous and massively connected company? Is such a thing even possible? A few hundred million in PR spending and several million more in lobbying fees could make everyone forget, anyhow. Americans have short memories. The moral of this story: Don’t bail out corporations. Now take your ungrateful azz and sit the fawk down! SMH. Images via AP

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The Side-Eye: Big Bank AIG’s Set To Sue The US Government!!

*EXCLUSIVE* Tyrese: “Alcohol Is A Very Sensitive Subject For Me, It Killed My Childhood”

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Tyrese should be celebrating the upcoming release of his highly anticipated album and  return to music with Open Invitation but instead he is being banned from radio stations for sharing his opinion on zoning issues such as liquor establishments near schooling institutions. “For those folks who have read my book, my mother struggled with alcohol for 27 years by the grace of God my mother has been sober for 4 years from alcohol abuse is a very sensitive subject for me because it killed my childhood” says Tyrese. “Liquor Stores and the personalities that they attack should not be that close to innocent kids!” This come after Tyrese was kicked out a Delaware radio station for expressing his concern during an on-air interview. He was told to leave by the programming director who later demanded an apology after threatening to ban his music. In an exclusive interview with HelloBeautiful, Tyrese got very personal on why his stance remains secure and why he will never apologize for simply saying something about a world-wide issue with which everyone should be concerned! Stay tuned for Part 2… Tyrese Kicked Out Of Radio Station For Liquor Store Back-Talk Taraji & Tyrese Reunite For Another John Singleton Film

*EXCLUSIVE* Tyrese: “Alcohol Is A Very Sensitive Subject For Me, It Killed My Childhood”

Tyrese Rants Against Liquor Stores Near Schools, Booted Off Radio Show

Tyrese claims he was kicked out of a radio station in Delaware where he gave an interview yesterday because he ranted about liquor stores – in a positive way! Invited on the show to promote his album, Tyrese made a comment about how liquor stores should not be allowed near schools, having just seen such a case. “Get them cats out of here … selling alcohol across from your kids school, homie. You gotta know how to put pressure on dudes selling in your hood,” he said. But when the show went to commercial, Tyrese was asked to leave the building because the station said he was “disrespecting” the Delaware community. After the incident, Tyrese tweeted : “I just kicked out of a radio station frm a [program director] who had a problem w/ me speaking on liquor stores that are by elementary schools in Delaware.” “If you don’t STAND for something.. You will damn near fall for Anything.” Amen, homie.

Go here to see the original:
Tyrese Rants Against Liquor Stores Near Schools, Booted Off Radio Show